Bhagavatam study 71 – Departure of the order-sustaining Lord leads to disruption of that order
Lessons from Hanuman’s devotion to Rama 1 – When we hide ourselves from the Lord he hides himself from us
Gita 17.12 Yajna is like modern technology – can fuel the illusion that we are controllers and enjoyers.mp3
Gita 17.09 Food in passion is is sensually stimulating but eventually distressing and disease-inducing.mp3
Gita 17.07 Food sacrifice charity and austerity represent broad patterns of the soul’s interaction with its encasing circles
Gita 17.03 The relationship between our existence and our faith is causal constitutional and consequential
Gita 16.21 The metaphorical usage stresses the reality and gravity of the demoniac forces of lust anger and greed
Gita 16.10 Taking shelter of lust amidst problems is like taking shelter of kidnappers when threatened by thieves
Ambition, Satisfaction & Devotion 2 – Hospital metaphor for harmonizing material and spiritual growth
Managing the mind 1 – The many meanings of the word ‘mind’ and their correlation with the Gita’s understanding
Bhagavatam study 70 1.13.51-60 Determination directed towards renunciation brings spiritual elevation
Bhagavatam study 69 1.13.46-50 When we can’t protect ourselves from kala, karma and guna, how can we protect others?
Bhagavatam study 68 1.13.39-45 Know when to exercise control in the service of the supreme controller and when to release control
Emotionally intelligent spirituality 2 – Let immediate and ultimate solutions work cooperatively, not competitively
Emotionally intelligent spirituality 1 – Don’t work for or against emotions – work with them for Krishna
How small conflicts become big – Daksha pastime analysis 4 – How impulses are shaped by technology, mentality and spirituality
How small conflicts become big – Daksha pastime analysis 3 – Understanding the filters people bring to a relationship