Akrura Katha 3 – Understanding cultural bhakti philosophical bhakti spiritual bhakti and Vraja bhakti
To always remember Krishna practically means to remember that he is the controller of things outside our control – Hindi
Morality may be relativized but the consequences of immoral indulgence can’t be relativized Gita 03.17
If we don’t direct contemplation fascination and dedication to Krishna wherever they get directed will become our addiction
Spiritualizing our relationships 2 – To improve relationships decrease expectation and increase contribution
To evaluate devotion by its material benefits is like evaluating dancing by the distance covered Gita 02.44
Metaphorical Meditations on the Holy Name 1 – The Holy Name grounds consciousness in the source of its source
The possibility for self-improvement is reduced by materialism and expanded by spirituality Gita 18.60
World Religions 3 – Islam – Beyond the politically correct and the politically incorrect to the philosophically correct