SB 01.05.36 – Chanting integrates the inner devotion and the outer service dimensions of devotional service
SB 01.05.34 – The very action that causes bondage brings liberation when there is change of intention
SB 01.05.32 – The holy name is a potent medicine – focus on its potency not on its taste or on our guilt
SB 01.05.28 – Gain confidence about chanting’s presently unverified potency by meditating on its verified potency
SB 01.05.27 – Taste for Krishna comes by using the gross and subtle bodies in his service and it helps us use those bodies for the perfect purpose
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura – Devotion enriched with erudition leaves a rich legacy to attract innumerable hearts to Krishna
Vedic Conception of God is beyond polytheism, monotheism and henotheism ( SB 06 03 05 at ISKCON Juhu)
SB 01.05.22 – All our abilities and acitivities are spiritualized when we endeavor to offer our heart
Pushya Abhishek – The festival of sensory spirituality demonstrates the beauty of Krishna and the glory of bhakti
SB 01.05.19 – We can’t avoid being haunted – so better to be haunted by the higher taste than the lowe taste
SB 01.05.14 Don’t let material sounds aggravate the mind’s oscillatory tendency – let spiritual sounds minimize it
SB 01.05.13 All good qualifications attain perfection when used for the supremely good purpose of glorifying the all-good Lord
SB 01.05.12 – Cultivate conscientious concentration by contemplating the valuelessness of everything else
SB 01.05.11 – Those who let the peripheral distract them from the central live at the periphery of life
SB 01.05.09 – Don’t let the variety and the quantity distract from the quality and the intensity of devotion
SB 01.05.07 – Krishna is able and eager to guide us – we just need to express our desire for guidance
SB 01.05.06 – The Lord is detached yet masively active – Meditating on him makes us similarly effective
SB 01.05.05 – Remove the blocks that prevent Krishna’s wisdom from entering our head and his mercy from entering our heart
SB 01.05.02 – Don’t let the quest for physical and mental productivity deprive us of spiritual productivity
SB 01.15.27 – When material reality consumes us, philosophy provides the foundation for seeking shelter in spiritual reality
SB 01.15.24 – Choosing faith can ensure that the very things which may drag us away from Krishna will impel us towards him
SB 01.15-22-23 – Krishna can integrate into his spiritual masteraplan disasters, even self-induced disasters – always choose faith, not doubt
SB 01.15.21 – Everything can be reduced to nothing in one moment – seek that which is the source of everything
SB 01.15.20 – Beyond all the wrongs of our life – material and spiritual – is the treasure of remembrance of Krishna
SB 01.15.19 – Humble remembrance of our excesses in our relationship with Krishna lets him break the wall between us
SB 01.15.17 – In the moment of highest glory remember the object of highest glory to attain the destination of highest glory
SB 01.15.16 – Let the activity or passivity of our surrender not distract us from the glory of the one to whom we surrender
SB 01.15.14 – See the Krishna factor to make memories of our achievements into memories of Krishna’s benevolence
SB 01.15.13 – By acknowledging the orgin of our talents in Krishna and keeping him as the goal of our accomplishments, we complete the circle of loving reciprocation
SB 01.15.10 – Let our chanting and our dramatic and traumatic times symbiotically increase our relationship with Krishna
SB 01.15.08 – Our calls to Krishna may not break the wall that separates us but they show him we want the wall broken
SB 01.15.04 – Rich divine emotions await us if we just invest in Krishna whatever emotions we presently have for him
SB 01.09.41 – Treasure the glorification of Krishna the way the materialists cherish their own glorification