SB 5.11.17 – We can’t neglect the mind by being mind-conscious; we need to be conscious of a reality higher than the mind
SB 5.11.13 – The Lord is transcendental and self-revelatory – beg for his mercy by consistent meditation
SB 5.11.12 – See the mind’s notions as temporary and illusory – and stay fixed in our real and eternal identity
SB 5.11.11 – Don’t be caught in the million misconceptions of the mind, focus in meditation on the One who is beyond them all
SB 5.11.10 – To end acceptance of material identity and activity accept devotional identity and activity
SB 5.11.9 – The mind’s home territory is matter, so be patient in counterting its reluctance to contemplate spirit
SB 5.11.6 – To break free from the mind’s vicious embrace, embrace Krishna’s lotus feet manifesting as his holy names
How Krishna-katha extinguishes the blazing fire of material existence (tava kathamritam explanation) – Hindi
SB 5.11.2 Let the hope for material improvement not distract us from the chance for spiritual advancement
Tranform adversity into an opportunity for realization and spiritual growth – Avanti brahmana pastime analysis
SB 4.9.16 – The mind’s contradictory currents of emotions are purified and harmonized by devotional meditation
SB 4.9.15 – Bhakti-anukula jnana highlights the difference between us and the Lord and thereby increases our attraction to him
SB 4.9.14 – Connecting the object of our hearing with the object of our meditation enriches our appreciation
SB 4.9.13 – The experience of Krishna is the ultimate doubt destroyer – Let the holy name give us that experience
SB 4.9.10 – Devotional happiness is better than all other pleasures inside and outside material existence
SB 4.9.9 – Why give up the eternal for that which is available everywhere and is just the interaction of dead matter?
SB 4.9.8 Be krita-vida (wise) to see the Lord not just as arta-bandho (reliever of distress) but also as apavarga-sharanam (releaser from bondage)
SB 4.9.7 Devotion activates our awareness of Krishna’s latent presence within everything – even our hearts
SB 8.3.28 The power to protect the surrendered and trap the unsurrendered both demonstrate the Lord’s glory
Gopi Gita Part 3 SB 10.31.9-19 “Your remembrances doesn’t decrease but increases our agony – Please appear.” (Janmashtami class)
Gopi Gita Part 2 – SB 10.33.5-8: “Krishna, please bless us with with your hands, your face, your feet and your lips” (Janmashtami class)
SB 8.3.21 Krishna being transcendental understands our difficulties and sees beyond to them to our devotional heart
SB 8.3.19 Speak the Lord’s glories not to remind him but to remind ourselves of them and to express our faith to him
SB 8.3.16 We need purification to approach the Lord, but he can approach us through revelation even when we are impure
SB 8.3.11 To let Krishna give us transcendental happiness, we need to direct our consciousness towards transcendence
SB 8.3.2 Philosophical absorption in the Lords glories is not meant only for study time or preaching time
SB 7.9.50 The resolution to engage in devotional service with the implicit prayer for aid in keeping that resolution is the conclusive prayer
SB 7.9.48 Devotion is not about disconnecting ourselves from the world but about reconnecting everything including ourselves with its source
SB 7.9.47 The vision of devotion reveals how the Lord pervades everything and yet transceds everything
SB 7.9.44 A devotee is neither materially nor spiritually selfish but works to continue the tradition of compassion
SB 7.9.43 The test of spiritual advancement is the change in our understanding of who is missing what
SB 7.9.37 – When the modes of passion and ignorance attack, appeal to the Lord to appear to rescue us