Gita 01.46 The significance of our actions depends not just on the actions but also on the situations in which we do those actions
Gita 01.42 Disruption of dharma leads to overpopulation of disruptive souls, causing total breakdown of dharma
Gita 01.39 Our sense of honor coming from our lineage can raise us but can also stop us from rising to the highest
Gita 01.36 The ethical tension between kula-dharma and kshatriya-dharma leads to emotional over-reaction and physical inaction
Ramayana series 3 – Shurapanakha’s manipulativeness – Exploiting others’ weaknesses doesn’t make us strong
Ramayana series 1 – Comparing Dasharatha and Dhritarashtra – What we do is not as important as why we do it
Govardhana lila lessons – Krishna disempowers and empowers – and opens channels for reciprocating love
Gita 01.34 To retaliate and cause death requires courage, but to not retaliate at the cost of one’s own death requires greater courage