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Prabhupada Quotes
Avidya is the foundation for ahankara
False shelters perpetuate the struggle for material existence
Imitation of a good thing is desired
Recover spiritual health by regular cultivation of Krishna consciousness
Misdirected interest is sign of disease
No room for jealousy in transcendental science
Associate with those who have not forgotten Krishna
To be both honest and wise, be Krishna conscious
The way to forming an ideal society
How the Krishna consciousness movement contributes to world peace
Materialists are conspicuous by their ability to exploit others
The natural principle for bodily maintenance
Mistaking spiritual focus as old-fashioned is unfortunate
Distress doesn’t disturb a devotee’s devotional service
Krishna helps us from within and without
God is all-good; God is all-merciful
What is the purpose of the Bhagavad-gita?
Matter, not spirit, is formless
See miseries as reminders of spiritual reality
God is more sorry than we are for our sufferings
A child is born not just through the genitals but through the heart
Spiritual irresponsibility plunges us into an ocean of reproachment
Go beyond piety to spirituality to gain liberation
The human junction calls for an intelligent decision
Why work harder than the animals for what the animals get?
Everything in the spiritual world is pleasantly scented – even stool and urine
Don’t mistake the Lord’s pervasion of everything to be pantheism
A Vaishnava worships demigods by glorifying their devotion to the Supreme
Don’t compromise with misery; cure it
The Lord doesn’t need a temple; we do
God does not belong to any religion
No one is more attractive or more authoritative than Krishna
Recite Bhagavatam to extinguish the fire of material existence, not the fire of the belly
What is the main purpose of life?
Worshiping matter instead of Vishnu is not progress; it is blindness
How material enjoyment increases our suffering
Be not the deluded by maya’s promises of happiness
We are always vulnerable, never safe
Material happiness is an illusion
The two phases of Maya’s activities
How we are victimized by sense gratification
Sense gratification blinds us to the consequences
All other processes are tributaries in the river of devotional service
What the spiritual master’s training should do to us
The motive of social decoration blocks philosophical illumination
Those who are sectarian mistake devotional service to be sectarian
Why different seekers see the same Absolute Truth differently
All the demigods are material representations of the Supreme Lord
Are we trying to cleanse ourselves with drain water instead of Ganges water?
Uncover consciousness with the sunlight of scriptural wisdom
All that glitters may not be gold but it is not nothing
The unified spiritual perception underlying the diversified sense perception
Control the senses by offering them the supreme engagement
The only way to see the Lord face to face
Perception of the disagreeable arises from attachment
Real brahma-darshanam happens by bhakti
When Krishna gives everything why go to anyone else?
The only process that takes us beyond falldown
Partial interest in elevating principles can obstruct ultimate elevation
Any God-centered literature is preferable to mundane literature
Impersonalism can cause even the greatest to fall back to the material world
Both Mayavadis and Vaishnavas want to merge into the Supreme
The difference between unpurified consciousness and purified consciousness
How impersonlism aggravates religious materialism
Vedic animal sacrifice was not a substitute for a slaughterhouse
Bodily fitness is the side-result, not the main result, of yoga practice
The perfection of yoga and the imitation of yoga
Why the Puranas sometimes glorify demigods to be supreme
The best souls not only see the good in others but also magnify it
See every body as a temple of the Lord
Our relatives can hurt us more than our enemies
How good qualities become bad
How spiritual distress is also blissful
Degradation of the defiant vindicates the Vedic principles
How the varnashrama system is sanatana
The Vedas are the bridge across the ocean of material existence
Offenses open the door to further abominable actions
A perfection that is a concoction
A new phase of progressive life
The darkest region of craziness
What human society needs to understand
Awarding fearlessness is the greatest act of charity
Pure Krishna consciousness is our birthright
How all living beings manifest different gradations of Brahman
Don’t mistake lack of qualification as sectarian discrimination
Material varieties are not exactly illusions but reflections
Inferring the transcendence of the Lord
No spiritual advancement without sense control
We need to come to goodness to start getting inner guidance
Be broad-minded, not cripple-minded
Cherish the attitude to become a perfect gosvami
Waste of time is an incalculable loss
How renunciation helps one maintain one’s self-respect
Seek real family association with Krishna
The spiritual master helps us discover how best to serve Krishna
How the spiritual master’s grace is received through the ears
Scriptural revelation is an expression of the Lord’s inconceivable power
Bodily dresses that offer more or less opportunity for liberation
Madanamohana alone protects us from the infatuation of Madana
New life comes not from sex but from the soul
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