When material circumstances make it difficult or impossible for us to render devotional service what should we do?
Should we use attraction to the beauty of the opposite sex as an impetus to remind us of the beauty of Krishna?
Isnt it offensive to assume that devotees critical of Mayavada are motivated by ego and to not associate with them?
When we are unable to express our questions should we just wait for purification to remove that doubt?
How should we respond to stories of Krishna miraculously intervening in the life of some contemporary devotee?
When senior devotees speak and act in ways that are uninspiring or disturbing how should we see and respond?
If a person stays in coma with expensive instrumental support for many days, how long should the relatives continue the support?
How can we avoid labelling situations when say we go broke and still stay fixed in remembrance of Krishna?
What are the things we need to be attached to and detached from during the initial and advanced stages of spriitual life?
If one is unable to follow a regulative principle after many years of chanting, should one give up chanting due to guilt and shame?
How can we access Lord Chaitanya’s mercy in this age when the standards are high and the culture is hostile?
Can devotees read books like “7 habits of highly successful people” to learn to better organize their lives so that they can serve Krishna better?
When atheists read theistic books, why don’t devotees read atheistic books in addition to theistic books? Shouldn’t one understand both points of view?
When the mahamantra takes us to Goloka, then why does Srila Prabhupada say that his temples are in Vaikuntha?
Is causeless mercy dependent on anything? If yes, then how is it causeless? If not, then how do we get it?
How can we prevent the doubt that one’s spiritual master can fall down from becoming an obstacle in keeping firm faith?
If a person despite trying sincerely is still struggling because of past conditionings and he wants to be honest with guru, what should he do?
The changing of names during initiation is commonly presented as evidence that ISKCON brainwashes people. Can you please respond?