Are the beliefs “kshatriya martyrs attain heaven” & “jehadi suicide bombers attain paradise” different?
As Brahma has come as Haridasa Thakura what is the meaning of the statement that Maya could tempt Brahma but not Haridas Thakura?
Why do we take shelter of Krishna more in difficult times like exam period but not during sadhana and service?
If Vrajavasis love each other doesn’t that mean Krishna is not all-attractive for he can’t exclusively attract their love?
When devotee-scientists’ books are criticized by mainstream scientists can we quote them as scientific evidence for KC?
Does Gita 9.32 which says that anyone can begin bhakti apply to those who fall while practicing bhakti?
If we need to see intellectually before we can see visually, what about non-intellectual practitioners?
Is there any actual difference between Brahman Paramatma and Bhagavan, or is it just a matter of perception?
As yoga refers to connection and Patanjali is said to have taught yoga did he teach all the various ways of connecting with God like karma-yoga etc?
Instead of Vyasadeva begetting a successor king in his deceased brother’s wife couldn’t he have become the king himself?
Is there a philosophical significance to the difference between the singular scripture and the plural scriptures?
In Vraja the cows go ahead of Krishna to remove the thorns from his path, who goes ahead of Radharani?
Just as Vedanta Sutra explains Vedanta are there other books that explain the other five systems of philosophy? How authentic are they?
As the Lord plays the part of a human being in his pastimes, doesn’t it imply that there’s a higher realer feature of the Lord beyond the part he plays in his pastimes?
Prabhupada presented Krishna consciousness sensitively, then why did he use the word cult not culture to refer to his movement?
Is Vedanta is the conclusion of the Vedas or is it one of the six philosophies derived from the Vedas? What exactly is their mutual relationship?
How are communism, socialism, altruism, humanitarianism and nationalism misdirections of the loving propensity?
Why does Vasudeva Krishna, not Vrindavan Krishna, kill demons? Why do demons like Putana killed by him attain Goloka, not Vaikuntha?
Can Kuruskshtera be compared to the body, the senses to the Pandavas, the Kauravas to the vices and the war to the inner battle?