Are there clear references to “love” in the Gita? Are the words “devotional service” and “love” synonymous?
When material circumstances make it difficult or impossible for us to render devotional service what should we do?
As spiritual happiness is eternal and the happiness we experience in spiritual activities is temporary is this happiness material?
Is there any logical or empirical support for the idea of higher worlds and higher beings talked about in Vedic literature?
Why does Sanskrit have words with many meanings Why are the concepts open to varying interpretations?
How do we make sense of the Bhagavatam statement that Chitraketu had ten million wives? Is it a sign of lack of faith if we are troubled by such questions?
If madhurya rasa is highest then how are those in other rasas satisfied? Do all souls progressively rise from shanta rasa to madhurya rasa?
Should we use attraction to the beauty of the opposite sex as an impetus to remind us of the beauty of Krishna?
Is the soul projected to the material world as in a virtual reality or has the soul actually fallen to the material world?
If several spiritual organizations urge us to study their philosophy and try our their process how should we decide what to follow?
If our svarupa is fixed then why is it is said that Lord Chaitanya came to teach love in the mood of the gopis?
If our suffering in material existence is just a momentary dream then wont this thought make us feel lazy about becoming liberated?
When Yamadutas know that Narayana is supreme (SB 6.1.41) why do they later (6.3) ask Yamaraja if there is anyone above him?
“By destiny the quantity of our suffering is fixed” and “The more we become attached, the more we suffer.” How to reconcile these two statements?
What is the essential moral of the brahmin cobbler story because the huge tree is not literally present in the small seed?
How are the knower and known one in the absolute realm as Srila Prabhupada mentions in the purport of Bhag 1.2.11?
As those people who are destined to take to spirituality will take it up anyway how does it matter whether we use technology for sharing spirituality or dont use it?
As apara vidya and avidya can both be used without reference to God what is the essential difference between them?
Why was Duryodhana born with so much power when he had such evil tendencies? (and 4 other questions about Duryodhana)
If experience is the highest pramana how does it fit into the three standard pramanas with shabha as the highest?
Is that star “Alpha Centuri” that is 4.3 light years away (according to modern cosmology) in this universe or another universe according to Vedic cosmology?
How do we answer atheists who say that the order that we see in the universe is only apparent and actually the entropy principle ensures that disorder keeps increasing?
What is the Vedic perspective on a Harvard neurosurgeon’s vision of heaven during a near-death experience?
When Arjuna had defeated all the Kaurava heroes at Virata why does Bhagavatam refer to them as the huge fishes timingilas against whom Arjuna was like a tiny fish?
Isnt it offensive to assume that devotees critical of Mayavada are motivated by ego and to not associate with them?
When we are unable to express our questions should we just wait for purification to remove that doubt?
If Vaishnava traditions with an understanding of Gods relationship with the world different from that of the Gaudiyas can take their followers back to godhead how important is this understanding for us as practicing Gaudiyas?
Prabhupada says Brahma falls whereas Haridas Thakura doesnt but they are the same. Then why the difference? person
If one can chant the name of Allah or Jesus with love and reach God, then why cant one chant the name of Ganesh or Shiva with love and reach Him?
Does the fact that whatever happens to us is a result of our own karma imply that we passively accept whatever happens to us or not bother about the results on others of what we do?
If aquatics are lower than plants in the Vedic evolutionary scale then why is eating aquatics forbidden and eating plants allowed?
What should be done when during pregnancy the life of the mother is under threat and doctors recommend abortion?
When Brahma is an incarnation of the Lord. then how can he be illusioned by maya and how can a person become Bramha?
How should we respond to stories of Krishna miraculously intervening in the life of some contemporary devotee?
What should be the attitude of devotees towards conspiracy theories like say 9-11 was staged by America?
Is the Virat Rupa Real or False? If it is false then was Vamanadeva’s revelation to Bali Maharaj false?
When senior devotees speak and act in ways that are uninspiring or disturbing how should we see and respond?
Intelligence is the representation of Paramatma,then why does our intelligence sometimes fail to take the right decision?
If pure devotees know everything from all perspectives then why do they have differences as in different commentaries?
When we are 100% spiritual we see everything as spiritual. Then what is the difference between material and spiritual?
Is India’s dismal sports performance due to India being in the mode of goodness and sports being in passion?