How do we understand Prabhupada’s statement – vegetarianism and nonviolence are not qualifications for devotion?
Can saying that Krishna sees inside-out lead to devotees refusing to be accountable to other devotees?
If after some wrongdoing, we feel guilty and don’t feel like coming close to Krishna, what can we do?
Is remembering Krishna the highest service and all other services are for those who can’t remember him constantly?
If Krishna already knew that Duryodhana wasn’t going to agree to peace, then did Duryodhana have free will to choose?
In the Daksha-Shiva conflict, why did Shiva not clarify to Daksha about why he hadn’t offered respects?
Does repeated exposure to something we are averse always increase our aversion – doesn’t krishna-bhakti taste like poison initially and nectar eventually?
If we should be purpose-driven, not goal-driven, why do we set goals for new devotees to increase their rounds?
When people are so confused that they can’t discern their own material inclinations, how can we engage them in bhakti?
Should we fast on every acharya’s appearance and disappearance – how important is austerity in bhakti?
Should we correct devotees and become a bad guy in their eyes or just turn a blind eye to their wrongdoings?