If all living beings are God’s children, then isn’t killing plants but not animals like killing the handicapped child of a parent while sparing the healthy child?
When hens produce more eggs than in the past then where do the extra souls come from? Do all eggs contain souls?
Are the revelations in other religious traditions as for example they do not accept the law of karma?
Why do some religions oppose Vedic cultural symbols like tilaka when they also have their religious symbols like beard and cap?
If Buddha is an incarnation then how do we understand his previous incarnations as animals mentioned in the Jataka tales?
If the Bible doesn’t have much philosophy, then what do Christians write in the thousands of books that they publish?
“There is much I have to tell you”: Exploring the relationship between Christianity and Krishna consciousness
If we avoid meat because we don’t want to cause violence, then doesn’t eating vegetables also involve violence?
Why didn’t we find gold and diamonds during the Dwarka excavations as were said to be existing in the scriptural Dwarka?