If we are working wholeheartedly in our material life, but can’t work similarly in our spiritual life, what can we do – Hindi?
If people treat us based on their past negative impressions about us even after we have improved, what can we do – Hindi?
When the mind is like software, then how can pills for treating the hardware – the brain – cure mental problems?
Bhikshu Gita 6 – See the mind’s aversion to concentration as a trick of illusion (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.47)
Bhikshu Gita 4 – The mind distracts us from bhakti in the name of bhakti (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.45)
Bhikshu Gita 3 – The mind makes the unreal seem real and the real seem unreal (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.44)
Bhikshu Gita 2 – The mind makes it difficult for people to change – be understanding (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.43)
Bhikshu Gita 1 – Minimize misery by identifying the misery caused by the mind (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.42)
How do we balance between respecting followers of all religions and acknowledging the violence that some of them do?
How can we share bhakti with atheists who are nature-conscious and are relatively in the mode of goodness?
Gaura Purnima lecture – Lord Chaitanya manifested the three internal reasons for his descent in his Ratha-yatra lila