If we have canine teeth for eating meat, then doesn’t it go against the regulative principle of no meat-eating?
If Krishna’s ultimate instruction is to give up all duties for surrendering to him why shouldn’t everyone join the temple?
If the Supersoul is present in all atoms and the space between them, what is special about the Superoul in our heart?
The religious rural culture of India is being replaced by materialisitc culture. What can we do to counter this?
If one doesnt practice raganuga bhakti then how will one get the realizations needed to return to our svarupa?
Does one have to practice raganuga bhakti to go BTG or is just departing in devotional circumstances enough
Did past people believe in miracles like Govardhana lila because they were unscientific and gullible?
If we concede that scripture doesn’t contain literal report of conversations then where will the erosion of scriptural authority end?
Prabhupada quotes largely from the Puranas so how can we show that our sampradaya is based on shruti?
I was born in another sampradaya, but became introduced to seriously bhakti through ISKCON. Which sampradaya should I follow?
How can India’s wisdom-literature be introduced in the education without the saffronization of the syllabus?
How does the nishkama karma yogi attain knowledge and liberation? Through the same path or by adopting another yoga?
Are the jnanis mentioned in Gita 7.16-18 impersonalists as the example of Kumaras suggests or devotees as Vishvanath Chakravarti Thakura’s commentary states?
When there are so many cases of past life memories, why don’t we find some people remembering their experience in heaven, hell or as animals?
Isn’t it distasteful for brahmacharis to be watching and quoting movies when people come to them to hear about Krishna
Is instantaneous forgiveness the characteristic of pure devotion and seeking retribution that of neophyte devotion
What is the use of writing insubstantial articles in newspapers that don’t even mention the name of Krishna once?
Why are all forms of science not equally authoritative – why is evoluion less reliable than gravity when its all science?
Do the dharma-shastras say aggressors shouldn’t be killed and artha-shastras that they should be killed?
When the design argument is so logical, why don’t most people and most scientists accept God’s existence?
Is God improbable because he has to be more complex than his creation and complex things have very low probability of emerging?
How can we make our work into worship when it is not according to our nature and is not connected with Krishna?
Can devotional, non-devotional and anti-devotional cultures be connected with goodness passion and ignorance?
Isn’t it better to be satisfied with the beauty of the garden without imagining a fairy at its bottom?
Does our seeking end after we find God as the Bible indicates or continue forever as Gaudiya Vaishnavism indicate?
Why does Prabhupada translate bhakti in Bhaktirasamritasindhu as ‘devotion’ instead of ‘devotional service’?
When Dhruva Maharaj was going BTG and had got a spiritual body, how could he remember a material relationship such as that with his mother?
During preaching, how important is it to provide relevant material information in addition to the paramapara’s message?
If the son practices bhakti, then will his non-devotee parents’ get a good next-life destination due to their son’s bhakti?
How to see spiritual organizations that are largely Vaishnava except for considering their founder as an incarantion?