When Arjuna vowed to kill Jayadratha out of anger and vengeance, was he violating Krishna’s Gita instructions?
Wouldn’t killing Ashwatthama have been just punishment & prevented his future attack with Brahmastra?
Did Krishna protect Draupadi only after she stopped trying to protect herself – does surrender mean we stop trying to do anything?
Do the ends justify the means, as your Mahabharata explanations imply? Won’t that justify terrorism too?
Why did Vidura not instruct Dhritrashtra to apologize to the Pandavas and to thereby become offense-free for practicing bhakti?
If Krishna already knew that Duryodhana wasn’t going to agree to peace, then did Duryodhana have free will to choose?
Are Bhishma’s teachings of pure devotion at the end of his life contradicted by his life of service to the Kauravas?
Duryodhana felt no moral compunction while persecuting the Pandavas, but Dhirtrashtra did – why the difference?
The Pandavas could have won a kingdom anywhere by defeating someone else – why did they win it by killing their own relatives?
If the Gita is a recorded conversation reported by Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra how does it contain Sanjaya’s speech?