When Krishna had said he wouldn’t lift weapons in the Kurukshetra war, why does he say in Gita 11.33 that the Kauravas are already killed by him?
What is the significance of the two metaphors of rivers and moths used in the Gita’s description of warriors entering into the Universal Form
If the suffering of great devotees is for their glorification why does Bhishma say Pandavas’ suffering is due to time?
Why was Kunti’s unknowing statement ‘share whatever you have brought’ considered absolute and Draupadai married to all the Pandavas?
Why did Bhima kill Duryodhana unfairly by hitting him below the waist during their final battle in the Mahabharata war?
If Krishna’s ultimate instruction is to give up all duties for surrendering to him why shouldn’t everyone join the temple?
If the Supersoul is present in all atoms and the space between them, what is special about the Superoul in our heart?
How does the nishkama karma yogi attain knowledge and liberation? Through the same path or by adopting another yoga?
Are the jnanis mentioned in Gita 7.16-18 impersonalists as the example of Kumaras suggests or devotees as Vishvanath Chakravarti Thakura’s commentary states?