Krishna himself has expended as Radharani, then why does he have to come as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to understand Radharani?
Why do scriptures urge women to do vat-savitri puja to get the same husband for seven lives when the goal of life is to attain liberation?
Why should one not go to the temple after there is a death in the family? Can we chant on Tulasi beads in a crematorium?
198 Presenting Lord Chaitanya to today’s world via biography writing – The Monk’s Podcast Yogesvara P
When the soul is an individual, how can the same soul be manifest as Arjuna, Arjuniya gopi and Ramananda Raya?
When Satyavati had a child out of wedlock, why was Kunti’s having a child similarly so scandalous that she had to abandon that child?
How Vedic wisdom can be empirically demonstrated. The Monk’s Podcast 148 with Lila Purushottam Prabhu
Do karmic actions and reactions happen at gross and subtle levels – do our present actions add to our destined pleasure or pain?
Can the souls between lives learn from guides and choose their next lives – what is the Vedic perspective?
If a butcher is following their employer, as a soldier might follow a king, why does the butcher get karma, but the soldier doesn’t?
If we say the Itihasas – historical scriptures – are not historical, won’t people get reasons to reject scriptures as imaginary?
When our life is going on well and we hear that the world is a place of distress, how can we avoid becoming paranoid that problems will befall us in future?
Even after getting the darshan of the Lord, why do Kardama Muni or Aditi not become free from their material desires, the way Dhruva Maharaj did?
During animal sacrifices in Vedic times, did the animals experience pain – what was the rationale for such sacrifices?
During distress if someone turns away from Krishna and becomes an atheist, what is the role of God’s will in their misuse of free will?
What does it mean when it is said Yudhishthira’s gambling was orchestrated by Krishna – why would Krishna cause so much distress and destruction?
How do we understand harsh scriptural statements about certain classes of people as found in Bhagavatam 6.18.42
When a pauper and a millionaire both have human bodies, how is their happiness different and destined by their bodies?
Even when cows are cared for, still during reproduction aren’t bulls essentially allowed to rape the cows?
Why do we attribute some people’s actions to their present association and others’ actions to their past lives?
Is the amount of grieving on the death of a loved one inversely proportional to one’s spiritual advancement?