Shikshashtakam 2 – The life of knowledge, the ocean of happiness and the complete nectar and bath (Part 2)
When the word ‘Bhagavan’ is used in scripture for sages and demigods why does Prabhuapda say it should be reserved only for God
If heavenly planets exist at a higher level does that mean there exist elements other than the eight elements?
When Krishna loves his devotees and can check karma, why do scriptures describe as karma being the cause of their suffering
When a mother stops a child from doing something harmful why does Krishna not stop the soul from wrongdoing?
Is the insignificance of the duration of evil from an eternal perspective the only explanation for evil?
If misery is caused by misidentification, then why is there not just mental pain but also physical pain?
How is the world a lila of the Pursha avatara? Is it a virtual reality manufactured by him with chosable scripts for us?
To realize everything is illusion amidst adversities, is yoga and pranayama the way or is bhakti-yoga sufficient?
When the number of breaths of a soul in a body are fixed, how can a purpose-driven attitude increase longevity?
Why does Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati criticize organized churches when ISKCON is also an organised church?
When we are attracted to material things through our senses, whereas Krishna is spiritual, how can Krishna be considered all-attractive?
Why do we say that lust needs to be curbed when it can be channelized towards Krishna as Narottama Das Thakura says?
If consciousness of the couple at conception determines the nature of the child, will a child born through rape be evil?
Does Krishna control us through remembrance and forgetfulness just as computer controls through zeroes and ones?
In shabda pramana we receive knowledge from our senses (ears), so how is it superior to pratyaksha pramana?
When different religious groups have their own scriptures how is the authority of Vaishnava scriptures to be established?
Why is Krishna worshiped in North India in intimate mood and Vishnu worshiped in South India in reverential mood?
If one doesnt practice raganuga bhakti then how will one get the realizations needed to return to our svarupa?
Does one have to practice raganuga bhakti to go BTG or is just departing in devotional circumstances enough
Hearing Krishna’s pastimes with the gopis is said to remove lust, but it often induce lust. How do we understand
Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s contributions 4 – The Eastern Savior offers the zenith of religious experience among all the world’s religions
Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s contributions 3 – The sara-grahi redefinition of Panchopasana as progressive modes of comprehending the divine