Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s contributions 2 – See the unity of purpose underlying the diversity of religions
If we concede that scripture doesn’t contain literal report of conversations then where will the erosion of scriptural authority end?
I was born in another sampradaya, but became introduced to seriously bhakti through ISKCON. Which sampradaya should I follow?
Is instantaneous forgiveness the characteristic of pure devotion and seeking retribution that of neophyte devotion
If all three aspects (SAT CIT ANANDA) are present within brahman, why can’t we perceive all of them just within the brahman itself?
Just as one can climb out of a well without a rope using footholds in the wall, can one get liberated without following a valid process?
Isn’t demonisation of the present with its promise of hi-tech paradise necessary to make people seek spiritual happiness?
Does our seeking end after we find God as the Bible indicates or continue forever as Gaudiya Vaishnavism indicate?
Why does Prabhupada translate bhakti in Bhaktirasamritasindhu as ‘devotion’ instead of ‘devotional service’?
When South Indian brahmins are famous as learnt, why does Chaitanya lila depict an illiterate South Indian brahmin?
When scriptures usually refer to Vishnu, do they refer to Maha-vishnu, Garbhodakshayi Vishnu or Kshirodakshayi Vishnu?
If our svarupa happens to be in dasya, how will be satisfied in that svarupa now that we know madhurya is highest?
Why does the Lakshmi Narasimha karavalambam stotra focus more on misery of material existence than the glory of Narasimhadeva?
Can you explain the difference in the defects of being illusioned and committing mistakes as illustrated through the evolution theory?
Does Krishna initiate us to do punya? Did he initiate Dhritarashtra to do punya for getting 100 sons?
Are the five rasas progressive? What is the difference between rasa and bhava? Does rasa grow into bhava?
What is the philosophical meaning of common expressions like “My head has become hot” or “My heart is fully satisfied”?
How can women be said to have their own varna when Prabhupada says that the wife’s varna should be identified by the husband’s varna?
When we worship God so that he will solve our problems aren’t we bribing God like students who flatter their teachers to get better marks?
As all paramparas are based on beliefs and as Prabhupada’s Gita is an interpretation based on his beliefs why not just follow our own paramapara?
All parents want their children to get married. Then wouldn’t Krishna the supreme parent want his children to become married and not take sannyasa?
Were Valmiki and Vyasadeva eyewitnesses to the full Ramayana and the Mahabharata? Or did they write them based on some historical sources?
You have your sampradaya, others like Shiva worshipers have their sampradaya – ultimately it’s all just different beliefs. Why should one sampradaya be considered higher than another?
If we give up our controlling tendency completely won’t we lose our individuality and become like trees who don’t do anything differently?
Three ways to understand the maha-vadanyaya nature of Lord Chaitanya – the magnitude of the charity, the unworthiness of the recipients and the self-sacrifice of the giver
NoI 9 refers to the Mathura in the material world being the birthplace of Krishna as higher than Vaikuntha Where does Mathura in the spiritual world fit in this hierarchy?
By hearing about a particular rasa say Madhurya rasa in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, we will become attracted to it But if our svarupa is in a different rasa what will happen?
Is there a hierarchy among the five potent forms of devotional service? Is any one of them the highest?
When bhakti is transcendental, why do scriptures give importance to bodily designations like birth in India or birth in a royal dynasty?
If the soul’s nature is to love and serve Krishna, where does our nature to love and serve worldly things come from?
As repeated hearing leads to belief, what is the difference between devotional hearing and indoctrination by religious fanatics?
How is the car-body analogy a good analogy when the car can’t reproduce and the driver can live independent of the car?
Our endeavor play a part in determining the result, so does endeavoring more make the result more likely?
With what attitude should we quote new verses or scriptural points apart from those given In Prabhupada’s books?
While explaining the philosophy we sometimes come up with examples that we not have heard in classes. How can we know whether they are realizations or speculations?
Doesn’t the idea that the infant suffers in the womb deny the glory of the mother’s love in caring for her infant?
Can you explain clearly the role of mind, intelligence and consciousness in the path from impulse to intent?
When our senses are designed by God and they are defective, doesn’t that make God’s design defective?
Is niyoga – begetting children through some man other than one’s husband – an authorized Vedic practice?
At the end of OMG, Kanjibhai throws away Krishna’s keychain to avoid idolatry. Do we need to similarly discard everything connected with God to avoid idolatry?
Isn’t it better to refer to women as behenji instead of mataji especially when they are of the same age as the men?
If both Krishna and we are eternal, then how is he our source and why don’t we have the six opulences fully?