How is the Vaishnava assertion that the world is like a dream different from the Advaita rejection of the world as unreal?
Wasn’t it fanatical of Lord Chaitanya to punish Chhota Haridas so severely for such a minor transgression?
If dharma leads to artha, then why do devotees have financial difficulties and what does Krishna’s special mercy of taking away artha mean?
If Padma Purana is written by Vyasadeva then how can the Damodarashtakam in it Purana be composed by Satyavrata Muni?
When adharma continues to exist in the world, what does it mean to say that the Lord’s mission is complete?
Why do we talk about the benefits of chanting when we are meant to chant selflessly for Krishna’s pleasure?
Is our capacity to practice devotional service limited by our prarabhda karma and the resulting guna configuration?
If the mechanisms of evolution are just imagination, then isn’t religion also just the imagination of some sages?
Does the spirit soul remain the non-doer in the spiritual world just like he is the non-doer of his activities in the material world?
When Lord Chaitanya didn’t insist that Haridas Thakura be allowed entry into Jagannatha temple, why do ISKCON’s non-Hindu devotees want entry?
Why do Krishna and all incarnations descend according to such a tightly fixed schedule in particular yuga in specific Manavantara etc?
Why is going Back to Godhead most important when the creation reflect the causeless mercy of creator?
When devotional service is meant to free us from material desires, how do we understand the Dhurva pastime in which devotional service was performed to fulfill material desires?
When Lord Chaitanya refused to meet king Pratap Rudra, why do ISKCON leaders invite politicians like the President of India for inaugurating their temples?
Sometimes the philosophy seems too philosophical and not practical. What should we do in such situations?
What does Prabhupada’s statement “All men should remain as brahmacharis and all women should get married” mean?
When Krishna appeared at midnight according to the time in Mathura why do we fast on Janmashtami till midnight according to the local time at different places?
If the cultivation of knowledge is important in bhakti, then why does Lord Chaitanya say “I am a fool, so I simply chant the holy names”?
When our love naturally does not extend to every living being does it mean that we are not actually connect with God’s love?
In the example of returning a lost dollar bill to the owner wouldn’t it be better to say a lost wallet as finding the owner of a dollar bill is impossible?
Can we conclude that ‘God’ refers to Lord’s role in material world and ‘Absolute Truth’ conveys the idea of Lord in touch with spiritual energy?
Why the word ‘summum bonum’ is used to convey ‘ultimate source of all energies’, when the word actually means ‘source of all goodness’?
Gopi Gita Part 3 SB 10.31.9-19 “Your remembrances doesn’t decrease but increases our agony – Please appear.” (Janmashtami class)
Gopi Gita Part 2 – SB 10.33.5-8: “Krishna, please bless us with with your hands, your face, your feet and your lips” (Janmashtami class)
When the tongue is non-living why does King Kulashekarha pray to the tongue in Mukunda Mala Stotra 26?
Why do scriptures refer to the mind negatively when it is our faculty for deep thought as in “Einstein was the greatest mind of the 20th century”?
When scriptures teach matra devo bhava, why do brahmacharis give up their parents for the sake of God?
Why do many Vedic sages engage in behavior that is lower than the moral standards of modern Vedic practitioners and even many modern atheists?
When we could learn so much about Krishna’s glories by asking him about, say, how quantum mechanics and relativity are reconciled, why are his simple pastimes like playing with children considered the highest?
When knowledge comes easier than faith, why does CC say that faith develops in the madhyama stage and knowledge in the uttama stage?
What is the basis of the authenticity of those Chaitanya Charitamrita teachings that are not present in the Vedic scriptures?
What is the disciplic succession by which Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami got the knowledge to write the Chaitanya Charitamrita?