Does saying that people disbelieve in half-man half-lion but believe in half-man half-spider prove the existence of the half-man half-lion?
From the Absolute Platform If Lord Is the Only Purusa, What do words Like Pursottama, Apauresya actually mean?
As some species have become extinct what happens to those souls who have desires that those species are meant to fulfill?
Why did Krishna’s parents not stop him from going to the forest to graze the cows to avoid the danger of demons?
As Parvati is the chaste wife of Lord Shiva how could she have come personally to tempt Haridas Thakura?
As we need to arrange for our bodily needs how do we understand Prabhupada’s statemen that there is no need for economic development?
Why did the Vrajavasis not go to Mathura to meet Krishna when they were suffering in separation from him?
As vaccination can prevent diseases that come as karmic reactions has science disproved or defeated the law of karma?
Some people say that no species drink milk beyond infancy, so our drinking milk is unnatural. How do we respond?
If “Svetasvatara Upanishad ” is dedicated to Lord Shiva , why is it dedicated to Krsna by Vaishnava Acharyas?
If a devotee goes to Goloka Vrindavana, does that mean he can never see great personalities like Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, Parvati etc.?
Which form of Vishnu is referred to by the Sahasra Shirsha purusha prayers as none of the Vishnu forms actually have 1000s of heads?