If scripture contains advanced material knowledge such as Vimana-shastra why don’t we use it to make planes today?
If parents have two children – one bright one dull – is it the parents’ karma or the childrens’ karma?
If our spiritual master is not easily accessible and other spiritual masters give time primarily to their disciples, how can we get inspiration?
If an initiated devotee does something non-standard such as eating food cooked outside, will the spiritual master get the karma?
Should we see non-philosophical devotees as not needing intellectual conviction or as weak because of intellectual malnourishment?
Is Vedic philosophy confusing because it has so many holy books, unlike Christianity and Islam that have only one holy book?
Is our affection for Krishna to be cultivated as between wife-husband or spontaneous as between child-parent?
Relishing Shikshashtakam – Appreciating how meditation on the holy name blossoms to meditation on Krishna
Shouldn’t bhakti be a natural evolution in our love, not an imposition based on being told whom to love?
During near-death experiences, is everything that happens predetermined or can the experiencer choose?
While understanding scripture according to time-place-circumstance, which factors need to be considered?
Were the ancient sages humbler than the modern acharyas as only the latter mention their names in their compositions?
Who remembers Krishna – the mind or the soul, or the mind in the conditioned stage and the soul in the liberated state?
When the mind is external to the soul, what does externally serving and internally remembering Krishna mean?
When the Upanishads say the Absolute Truth is unchanging, how do bhakti teachers say that even Krishna’s abode is changing?
When intelligence can be used or misused, is intelligence a power of our consciousness or a gift from the Supersoul?
When the intelligence is subtler than the mind, why does the Gita ask us to control the mind and not the intelligence – Hindi?
If the intelligence and the Supersoul’s voice are the same, why do many intelligent people act sinfully – Hindi?
When spiritual culture encourages men to become brahmacharis, how does it spiritualize the male-female relationship?
Does the soul come first in the womb and the subtle body comes later after which consciousness manifests?
When children of same parents such as Ravana and Vibhishana have the same DNA, why are their characters so different (Hindi)?