Why do scriptures urge women to do vat-savitri puja to get the same husband for seven lives when the goal of life is to attain liberation?
Why should one not go to the temple after there is a death in the family? Can we chant on Tulasi beads in a crematorium?
How can women be said to have their own varna when Prabhupada says that the wife’s varna should be identified by the husband’s varna?
Is niyoga – begetting children through some man other than one’s husband – an authorized Vedic practice?
Isn’t it better to refer to women as behenji instead of mataji especially when they are of the same age as the men?
When Lord Chaitanya didn’t insist that Haridas Thakura be allowed entry into Jagannatha temple, why do ISKCON’s non-Hindu devotees want entry?
When Lord Chaitanya refused to meet king Pratap Rudra, why do ISKCON leaders invite politicians like the President of India for inaugurating their temples?
What does Prabhupada’s statement “All men should remain as brahmacharis and all women should get married” mean?
When Krishna appeared at midnight according to the time in Mathura why do we fast on Janmashtami till midnight according to the local time at different places?
Can the maha prasade prayer be chanted at times apart from prasadam times? What do they actually refer to?
Does saying that people disbelieve in half-man half-lion but believe in half-man half-spider prove the existence of the half-man half-lion?
Some people say that no species drink milk beyond infancy, so our drinking milk is unnatural. How do we respond?
As devotion is a matter of the heart, does it matter whether one wears dhoti-kurta – saree or T-shirt & jeans?
If women are so attached to their husbands that they die with them during sati, then how will they go back to godhead?
If we are served charanamrita while we are taking prasad, can we honor caranamrita with contaminated hands?
If women become devotees, do they need to stick to their traditional roles? Can’t they have their own careers?
All animals are said to be in the mode of ignorance. Then is the cow also in the mode of ignorance? If yes, then why is it consdered sacred?
If the Vedic culture existed all over the world in ancient times, why are there so many dissimilarities in ancient cultures?