During animal sacrifices in Vedic times, did the animals experience pain – what was the rationale for such sacrifices?
When the intelligence is subtler than the mind why does the Gita ask us to control the mind and not the intelligence – Hindi?
If the intelligence and the Supersoul’s voice are the same why do many intelligent people act sinfully – Hindi?
When spiritual culture encourages men to become brahmacharis how does it spiritualize the male-female relationship?
Does the soul come first in the womb and the subtle body comes later after which consciousness manifests?
When children of same parents such as Ravana and Vibhishana have the same DNA why are their characters so different (Hindi)?
Does presenting scripture as meant for moral instruction lead to the rejection of scripture’s transcendental teachings?
If Bhagavatam and Mahabharata tell incidents from different perspectives are they histories or historical fictions?
When Jaya-Vijaya became demons by Krishna’s will and performed so many atrocities what was the fault of their victims?
When humans kill animals for eating is it that animal’s destiny or are humans interrupting God’s plan?
If someone says the sparks of Krishna’s splendor are enough for me, how can we connect them with Krishna?
We get only temporary happiness and that too after lot of struggle – does God not want us to be happy?