Caution: Humanitarianism, if it is not God-centered can result in Karmic bondage

..altruism, socialism, communism, nationalism and humanitarianism. These “isms” are certainly very attractive forms of karma-bandhana (karmic bondage), but the Vedic instruction of Sri Isopanisad is that if one actually wants to live for any of the above “isms,” he should make them God-centered. There is no harm in becoming a family man, or an altruist, a socialist, a communist, a nationalist or a humanitarian, provided that one executes his activities in relation with isavasya, the God-centered conception.

– Srila Prabhupada, Sri Isopanishad Mantra 2

Srila Prabhupada - the world's foremost scholar, teacher and practitioner of Vedic wisdom

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