Chapter Ten

The Opulence of the Absolute

Gita 10.01 - The Gita is an endearing combination of lofty exposition and intimate affection
Gita 10.02 - Appreciating the glory of the object of devotion enhances devotion
Gita 10.03 - Understanding Krishna's position frees us from sins
Gita 10.04 - Krishna offers the good beyond the bad and the good
Gita 10.05 - Krishna asks Arjuna to fight, yet is the source of the qualities that engender peace
Gita 10.06 - Realize the greatness of our universal genealogy
Gita 10.07 - Appreciation of Krishna's greatness guarantees absorption in him
Gita 10.08 - Knowledge of Krishna's position transforms our disposition
Gita 10.09 - Devotion means to center our emotion, action and discussion on Krishna
Gita 10.10 - Krishna gives us the intelligence to attain him
Gita 10.11 - The way to drive out darkness is to turn on the light
​Gita 10.12 - Krishna is transcendence beyond transcendence
​Gita 10.13 - The sages' reiteration of Krishna's words boosts our conviction and devotion
Gita 10.14 - Accept Krishna's position and message the way Arjuna accept it
Gita 10.15 - Vedic theology is not polytheism, but multi-level monotheism
​Gita 10.16 - Desire for details of a subject demonstrates deep devotion to that subject
​Gita 10.17 - Recollection and participation are reconciled by understanding God’s immanence
Gita 10.18 - Bhakti is joyful and fruitful
​Gita 10.19 - Our eagerness to hear Krishna's glories is auspicious for us and delightful for Krishna
​Gita 10.20 - The transcendent divinity is pervasively immanent in space and time
Gita 10.21 - Celestial glory manifests transcendental glory
​Gita 10.22 - God's opulence pervades and sustains all life everywhere
​Gita 10.23 - The heavenly treasurer's treasure comes from the supreme
Gita 10.24 - Channel feelings of awe from giant things towards the source of all awe
​Gita 10.25 - Japa is an opportunity to offer our most treasured possession - consciousness
​Gita 10.26 - ​The transcendental manifests among the celestial
​Gita 10.27 - The ruler manifests God's opulence, for good or for bad
​Gita 10.28 The life that emerges from love manifests the divine
Gita 10.29 See the prominent powers in the Vedic cosmos as manifestations of the supreme power
Gita 10.30 - God manifests as the godly among the ungodly
Gita 10.31 - The power of powerful weapons and warriors points to Krishna
Gita 10.32 - Krishna manifests as all phases of action in material existence
​Gita 10.33 - Re-envision attraction to language and words to become attracted to Krishna
Gita 10.34 - The comprehensiveness of death's stealing represents Krishna
Gita 10.35 - The beauty of music and nature manifest Krishna's opulence
Gita 10.38 - Punishment may not stop wrong desiring, but it can stop wrong doing
​Gita 10.36 The thrill of victory and adventure is an experience of Krishna
​Gita 10.37 - Krishna's manifestations encompass all the three worlds
​Gita 10.39 - God is the one without whose existence no existence is possible
Gita 10.40 - Krishna's infinitude brings not confusion, but jubilation
Gita 10.41 See the attractiveness of the attractive not as Maya but as sparks of Krishna
Gita 10.42 - Appreciate Krishna's opulence by appreciating the potency of his fragment