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The Universal Form
Gita 11.06 - We see with the information that helps us makes sense of what we see
Gita 11.01 - Those enlightened by divine mercy desire similar enlightenment for others
Gita 11.02 - Freedom from delusion comes by understanding the ephemeral and the eternal beyond the ephemeral
Gita 11.03 – Arjuna’s desire to know Krishna’s glory comes not from doubt but from devotion
Gita 11.04 - Devotee desires to see Krishna but doesn't demand
Gita 11.05 - The many forms within the one form - variety manifests within divinity
Gita 11.07 The universal form transcends limitations of space and time
Gita 11.08 Our vision is a function of our qualification
Gita 11.09 The universal form is the ultimate mystical vision
Gita 11.10 The first impression of the universal form is astonishing
Gita 11.11 - The visual demonstration reinforces the philosophical exposition
Gita 11.12 - Human perception and description are inadequate before divine self-revelation
Gita 11.13 - The universal form reconciles the one and the many
Gita 11.14 - Arjuna's mood changes from submissive discussion to prayerful veneration
Gita 11.15 - Arjuna's vision encompasses the whole universe from top to bottom
Gita 11.16 - Description of vision stimulates identification of the source of that vision
Gita 11.17 - The blinding brightness conveys the universal form's glory
Gita 11.18 - The universal form is the eternal personal protector of dharma
Gita 11.19 - The universal form is not just blinding but also burning
Gita 11.20 The universal form induces awe - both wonder and fear
Gita 11.21 The celestials are not just the universal form's components but also its respondents
Gita 11.22 The vibhutis are astounded by the virata rupa
Gita 11.23 The universal form's predatory features arouse fear even in Arjuna
Gita 11.24 Repetition is not always rambling - it can be for stress or beauty
Gita 11.25 The sight of the unfamiliar in the familiar is disorienting
Gita 11.26 The event of death is virtue-neutral, but the destination after death isn't
Gita 11.27 The comprehensive vision of the universes includes its gruesome features
Gita 11.28 The life and the death of the dharmic is auspicious
Gita 11.29 To be enriched with speed on the path of self-destruction is tragic
Gita 11.30 The all-devouring feature of the universal form reveals how the war is a yajna
Gita 11.31 Encountering the fearful kala rupa in the vishva-rupa is disconcerting
Gita 11.32 Question about the identity of the familiar refers to the unfamiliar within the familiar
Gita 11.33 Harmonizing with the divine will is the perfection of human expertise
Gita 11.34 Assurances are reassuring when they are not just generic but also specific
Gita 11.35 The kala rupa makes the fearless fearful
Gita 11.36 What brings joy to the godly causes misery to the ungodly
Gita 11.37 God in this world is like an author in a book - the cause outside the cause-effect chain
Gita 11.38 Knowledge of the Absolute helps us see how the things we know manifest the one we need to ultimately know
Gita 11.39 Appreciate the Absolute Truth in both bheda and abheda aspects
Gita 11.40 Acknowledge Krishna's presence everywhere and appreciate it where it is specially manifest
Gita 11.41 Knowledge reveals the power asymmetry to be in the opposite direction
Gita 11.42 Intimacy comes not by formality or informality but by affinity
Gita 11.43 Our response on coming to know others' greatness is shaped by our relationship with them
Gita 11.44 Humility in the forgiveness-seeker and magnanimity in the forgiver uplifts both
Gita 11.45 The vishva-rupa causes jubilation, the kala-rupa causes trepidation
Gita 11.46 Darshan of Vishva-rupa and Vishnu-rupa provide visual demonstration of verbal exposition
Gita 11.47 The vision of the universal form, even its destructive feature, is a rare favor
Gita 11.48 Pious action doesn't qualify us for devotional vision
Gita 11.49 If we maintain a service disposition, Krishna will reveal a conducive vision
Gita 11.50 The many-handed changes through the four-handed to the two-handed
Gita 11.51 Right emotion results from right perception
Gita 11.52 Vision results not just from perception but also comprehension
Gita 11.53 Krishna can't be known by the Vedas, although the Vedas are meant for knowing him
Gita 11.54 Pure devotion grants the topmost spiritual vision
Gita 11.55 The same chapter that calls for war also calls for giving up animosity
Gita 11.55 - Absorption comes by harmonizing action and intention
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