Chapter Twelve

Devotional Service

Gita 12.01 Pantheism and impersonalism both conceive of the Absolute as diffused
Gita 12.02 Closeness unites more than oneness
Gita 12.03 To say that the Absolute is indescribable is to describe it
Gita 12.04 Don't treat impersonalists impersonally - they are not all the same
Gita 12.05 Attachment to oneness leaves us with nothingness to be attached to
Gita 12.06 Devotional renunciation centers not on what we renounce but on for whom we renounce
Gita 12.07 Bhakti-yoga complements human agency with divine agency
Gita 12.08 Bhakti changes not our outer location but the locus of our inner world
Gita 12.09 If absorption in Krishna is unattainable, seek attraction through connection
Gita 12.10 Bhakti means dedicating our external to the eternal internal instead of the ephemeral internal
Gita 12.11 To be self-situated, begin with selflessness
Gita 12.12 Serenity comes by rising from piety to spirituality
Gita 12.13 Devotion manifests as action, even aggression, without mundane passion
Gita 12.14 To sustain satisfaction, seek absorption
Gita 12.15 Avoid agitation coming from the social and the mental
Gita 12.16 Complement spiritual devotion with material dispassion
Gita 12.18 To rise above material dualities, break free from material association
Gita 12.17 Conserve your emotional energy by focus on service
Gita 12.19 Seek satisfaction not by horizontal improvement, but by vertical advancement
Gita 12.20 The concluding verse reiterates and reinforces the starting verse