Chapter Thirteen

Nature, the Enjoyer and Consciousness

Gita 13.01 The meanings of words exist not just in dictionary but also in context
Gita 13.02 Our field reflects our sphere of influence
Gita 13.04 Use your sphere of influence for bringing about the ultimate change
Gita 13.05 Study matter for functioning and transcending
Gita 13.06 The subtle points towards the spiritual
Gita 13.07 Consciousness is shaped, not sourced, by changes of matter
Gita 13.08 The Gita is not a glorification of war, but a delineation of dharma
Gita 13.09 To cultivate detachment from matter, contemplate the distresses of material existence
Gita 13.10 Detachment is not meant to make us hard-hearted
Gita 13.11 The way of devotion is different from the way of the masses
Gita 13.12 Knowledge means to what is the most important to know
Gita 13.13 That which grants the immortal is the most vital knowable
Gita 13.14 The knowable's all-pervasiveness points to its transcendence of our capacity to know
Gita 13.15 The Absolute's paradoxical attributes underscore its transcendental inconceivability
Gita 13.16 The Gita's Absolute reflects not naive anthropomorphism but profound sophistication
Gita 13.17 The all-round glory of the Absolute includes its glory as the destroyer
Gita 13.18 All objects of knowledge are meant to direct us to the objective of knowledge
Gita 13.19 Subtle spiritual truths are comprehended through devotion, not intellection
Gita 13.20 Matter is eternal, but material forms are temporary
Gita 13.21 Material causality is not complete causality
Gita 13.22 Our desire to enjoy matter subjects us to material distress
Gita 13.23 One purusha is controlled by nature, the other is the controller of nature
Gita 13.24 Sankhya and bhakti are different in form, but similar in essential content and ultimate purpose
Gita 13.25 The many ways to see within are meant to show the same truth within
Gita 13.26 Hearing directs us to destination immortality
Gita 13.27 See beyond functional categorization to philosophical comprehension
Gita 13.28 To see that which is critical to see is to really see
Gita 13.29 See beyond people's particular actions to Krishna's universal positive intention
Gita 13.30 The soul is not the doer of the activities impelled by the body
Gita 13.31 See variety not as illusion above the unity but as emanation from the unity
Gita 13.32 The soul is situated in the body, but its consciousness doesn't have to imprisoned in the body
Gita 13.33 The soul is not entangled, but the mind is
Gita 13.34 Consciousness can be the channel to illumination - and to illusion too
Gita 13.35 Knowledge helps us perceive and achieve spiritual reality