Chapter Fifteen

The Yoga of the Supreme Person

Gita 15.01 The metaphor of the upside-down tree points to the reality beyond the reflection
Gita 15.02 We are bound by action and knowledge can guide us to action that leads to liberation
Gita 15.03 Detachment cuts not the world but our own attachment to the world
Gita 15.04 The Personal Absolute is not a way to transcendence - he is the summit of transcendence
Gita 15.05 Surrender means to give up everything for Krishna - even the feeling of hopelessness
Gita 15.06 The spiritual world is self-luminous and its luminosity is malleable to Krishna's will
Gita 15.07 Even when the mind is directed by the senses, it still directs the senses
Gita 15.08 The essence of growth is evolution in our conception of life
Gita 15.09 The mind makes chasing mirages the soul's tragic habit
Gita 15.10 We need knowledge to see our vulnerability in material existence
Gita 15.11 What we see depends on what we want to see
Gita 15.12 We need the eyes to see what our eyes need to see
Gita 15.13 The existence of multiple factors congenial to our existence points to transcendence
Gita 15.14 The world's origin and operation points requires something beyond the world
Gita 15.15 The purpose of perceiving the spiritual through the material is to perceive the spiritual in its own right
Gita 15.16 Purification means to change our emotional center
Gita 15.17 Liberation is not just elevation out of illusion but also connection with the supreme reality
Gita 15.18 Fragmentation is not the cause of illusion, disharmonization is
Gita 15.19 Bhakti is not non-intellectual or anti-intellectual - it is trans-intellectual
Gita 15.20 Using the knowledge and devotion we presently have propels us symbiotically towards life’s perfection