Chapter Sixteen

The Divine and Demoniac Natures

Gita 16.01 Godliness is both a decision and a disposition
Gita 16.02 Our godliness needs to be seen in our harmonious interactions with others
Gita 16.03 Giving appropriate honor promotes harmony, demanding excessive honor disrupts harmony
Gita 16.05 Acknowledging where a car's wheels are pointing is not accusing the car driver
Gita 16.06 Knowing the inclination of the road where our car is is education, not condemnation
Gita 16.07 Observe others actions not to condemn, but to help
Gita 16.08 From atheism to hedonism is a natural slide
Gita 16.09 The ungodly are born for destructive action unless they do drastic course correction
Gita 16.10 Taking shelter of lust amidst problems is like taking shelter of kidnappers when threatened by thieves
Gita 16.11 We make our beliefs and our beliefs make us
Gita 16.12 Sensual desires are ropes of enslavement, not roads to enjoyment
Gita 16.13 Let the mind’s chariot take us where we want to go, not where it wants to go
Gita 16.14 Greed makes the covetous murderous
Gita 16.15 The ungodly want to look good, not become good
Gita 16.16 Desires and fears cover our consciousness completely with illusion
Gita 16.17 Self-complacence and impudence perpetuate ignorance
Gita 16.18 When bad situations make us take shelter of our bad side, we become bad people
Gita 16.19 Devilish delights doom the demonic to deadly destinations
Gita 16.20 Demoniac action and demoniac destination is perpetuated by demoniac disposition
Gita 16.21 The metaphorical usage stresses the reality and gravity of the demoniac forces of lust, anger and greed
Gita 16.22 To pursue our self-interest, we need to purge out self-defeating desires
Gita 16.23 Those who reject scripture suffer both in this life and the next
Gita 16.24 Knowing scripture is our responsibility and our opportunity