Chapter Seventeen

The Divisions of Faith

Gita 17.01 The Gita universalizes and contextualizes the analytical framework of the three modes
Gita 17.02 See not just people's ideological faith - see also their functional faith
Gita 17.03 The relationship between our existence and our faith is causal, constitutional and consequential
Gita 17.04 Our level of consciousness determines who we feel is worshipable
Gita 17.05 Our body is not ours to abuse by arbitrary austerity
Gita 17.06 Defying scripture, be it for pandering the body or tormenting the body, is demonic
Gita 17.07 Food, sacrifice, charity and austerity represent broad patterns of the soul’s interaction with its encasing circles
Gita 17.08 Food in goodness provides profusely both nutrition and satisfaction
Gita 17.09 Food in passion is is sensually stimulating but eventually distressing and disease-inducing.mp3
Gita 17.10 Food in ignorance isn’t nourishing, satisfying or appealing.mp3
Gita 17.11 Focus not on expectation from the world, focus on contribution from yourself.mp3
Gita 17.12 Yajna is like modern technology - can fuel the illusion that we are controllers and enjoyers.mp3
Gita 17.13 Yajna in ignorance expresses defiance externally and internally.mp3
Gita 17.14 Austerity enables us to use our bodily vehicle constructively, not destructively
Gita 17.15 Speech is meant not just for commnication but also for purification
Gita 17.16 Austerity of mind transforms our inner disruptive enemy into a constructive friend
Gita 17.17 The mode in which austerity is performed different from the mode with which austerity is performed
Gita 17.18 The show of austerity without the substance of spirituality points to superficiality or even hypocrisy
Gita 17.19 Slaving to get the whip that will lash us is stupidity
Gita 17.20 Give charity for purity, not popularity
Gita 17.21 - Charity is passion is a competition of humiliation
Gita 17.22 We need discrimination to ensure that doing good actually does good
Gita 17.23 Everything is sustained by its connection with the Absolute
Gita 17.24 The many meanings of the word "brahma" in the Gita
Gita 17.25 Recitation of tad signifies and stimulates the pursuit of transcendence
Gita 17.26 Any inclination to seek elevation of consciousness is praiseworthy
Gita 17.27 Sat is not just a word for recitation - it is a conviction to cultivated and infused into action
Gita 17.28 Having no faith in anything higher makes performance of religious activities unfruitful