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Conclusion – The Perfection of Renunciation
Gita 18.01 What is used to refer is not as important as what is being referred to
Gita 18.02 Devotional attachment is the best way to avoid worldly attachment
Gita 18.03 Gita 18.03 Appreciate others thoughtfulness even if it doesn’t lead to the best conclusion
Gita 18.04 Just as indulgence can be indiscriminate, so can renunciation
Gita 18.05 To be mana-isha, we need not just a mana free from ishvara-bhava, but a mana fixed on ishvara
Gita 18.06 Karmic bondage is like emotional dependence - focus not just on the action but also on the motivation
Gita 18.07 Renunciation done in illusion can’t take us out of illusion
Gita 18.08 Desire for bodily pleasure and fear of bodily trouble both keep us in the cage of bodily consciousness
Gita 18.09 Renunciation in goodness means to know that we as parts just need to do our parts
Gita 18.10 Take the route that takes us to the destination, not the route that looks the easiest
Gita 18.11 To pursue liberation, give up the idea of giving up action
Gita 18.12 Intelligence sees consequence and fosters detachment
Gita 18.13 The journey from illusion to illumination requires philosophical education
Gita 18.14 God is the fifth factor as well as the foundation of all factors
Gita 18.15 Spiritual consciousness ensures that our actions give a favorable result
Gita 18.16 To think that we are the sole doers is to have deluded intelligence
Gita 18.17 When we act without false ego, we stay free of reactions
Gita 18.18 Analysis of the components of action is meant to direct towards non-reactive action
Gita 18.19 The Gita's flow verses make its question-directed discussion more accessible
Gita 18.20 Seeing commonality alone is not vision in goodness - seeing spirituality as the foundation of commonality is
Gita 18.21 To equate others physical appearance with spiritual substance is vision in passion
Gita 18.22 Knowledge in ignorance makes us obsessed with one fragment of reality and one kind of action
Gita 18.23 To gain knowledge, we need basic knowledge about where to seek knowledge
Gita 18.24 Disconnection from our Lord leads to the consumption of our consciousness by passion
Gita 18.25 To see our actions disconnected from the past and the future is to see in illusion
Gita 18.26 The doer is not a non-doer but is a component in doing
Gita 18.27 Our actions reflect our self-conception and our world-conception
Gita 18.28 Doers in ignorance act destructively for others and even for themselves
Gita 18.29 To drive purposefully, we need to know the destination, the path and the vehicle
Gita 18.30 Intelligence means to see beyond appearance to consequence
Gita 18.31 Confusing between long-term purposes and short-term pleasures characterizes intelligence in passion
Gita 18.32 Intelligence in ignorance mistakes the binding to be freeing
Gita 18.33 What intelligence discerns, that determination sustains
Gita 18.34 When one worldly desire trumps all other material desires, what results is determination in passion
Gita 18.35 To hold on to thought-patterns that hurt us is to abuse our determination
Gita 18.36 Some pleasures are the start of sorrow - and some the end of sorrow
Gita 18.37 Spiritual knowledge gives us the purpose to persevere through the poison till the nectar
Gita 18.38 The pleasure of titillation leads to the agony of tribulation
Gita 18.39 Pleasure in ignorance begins in ignorance and ends in increased ignorance
Gita 18.40 To attain harmony with our spiritual nature, we need engagement that is in harmony with our psychophysical nature
Gita 18.41 Varnashrama provides customized spirituality for elevating people from where they are
Gita 18.42 Brahmanas cultivate material material regulation and spiritual redirection by intellectual conviction
Gita 18.43 Kshatriyas control in service of the supreme controller
Gita 18.44 Protecting cows protects the cow protectors from greed
Gita 18.45 Inclusive spirituality centers on rejection of work, but on its reconceptualization and redirection
Gita 18.46 See work as an offering the divine's gifts to the divine
Gita 18.47 Acknowledging our present diversity is essential for realizing our spiritual commanality
Gita 18.48 See beyond the unpalatable to the essential to pursue the transcendental
Gita 18.49 Our spiritual evolution goes through multiple levels of perfection from engagement through disengagement to devotion
Gita 18.50 The Gita's purpose is not to describe spiritual paths but to analyze them for making an informed choice
Gita 18.51 Use intelligence to counter the mind's centrifugal force
Gita 18.52 Take shelter of renunciation to cultivate inner absorption
Gita 18.53 Determined disconnection from the material paves the way to the spiritual
Gita 18.54 Devotion doesn't culminate in liberation, liberation culminates in devotion
Gita 18.55 Don't divorce the literal reading of one word from the overall context of the text
Gita 18.56 The bhakti university takes seekers from any level to the summit of spiritual perfection
Gita 18.57 Take shelter of the intelligence to convince yourself of the need to take Krishna's shelter
Gita 18.58 The destructive voice can't be tuned out unless we tune in to the divine voice
Gita 18.59 Ego means to think that we know better than God
Gita 18.60 How we act is determined by our material nature but for what purpose we act isnt
Gita 18.61 Though we are controlled by material nature, we are still within the control of our Lord
Gita 18.62 The deepest peace comes by not an external serene situation but by an internal spiritual connection
Gita 18.63 Knowledge guides our free will by showing us the consequences of our actions
Gita 18.64 Krishna's tone rises from informational analysis to impassioned advocacy
Gita 18.65 Promises in a close relationship reflect and affect the closeness of the relationship
Gita 18.66 The call to rise above dharma is not a call to slip below dharma
Gita 18.67 Though ultimately every heart longs for divine love, not every heart is presently ready for divine love
Gita 18.68 The bhakti cure cures more those who share the cure more
Gita 18.69 See the superlative as an exhortation to devotional action
Gita 18.70 See the sanctity of Gita study in terms of intent, content and result
Gita 18.71 Krishna compassionately offers connections at decreasing levels of commitment
Gita 18.72 A philosophical conversation amidst emotional tribulation testifies to Arjuna's sincerity and Krishna's potency
Gita 18.73 Harmony with the divine infuses our fleeting insignificant lives with lasting significance
Gita 18.74 The Gita describes a mahatama and makes its hearer into a mahatma
Gita 18.75 Sanjaya appreciates the content, the source and the channel of the Gita's wisdom
Gita 18.76 The Gita's conversation is memorable and relishable
Gita 18.77 Recollecting Krishnas universal form stimulates wonder in some and fear in others
Gita 18.78 The Gita’s purpose is not just to proclaim God’s position but primarily to transform man’s disposition
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