Chapter Four

Transcendental Knowledge

Gita 04.01 - Yogic knowledge comes from transcendental source through extra-terrestrial route to terrestrial recipient
Gita 04.02 - The Gita lives through those who live the Gita
Gita 04.03 - Krishna reveals his glory to those who delight in that glory
Gita 04.04 - Accept responsibility for clear communication - don't affix blame for unclear communication
Gita 04.05 - Krishna spiritual position is not affected by his material location
Gita 04.06 - Don't presume familiarity with concepts due to familiarity with terms
Gita 04.07 - Universality of opportunity defines and distinguishes dharma
Gita 04.08 - Let Krishna establish dharma within
Gita 04.09 - Attainment of Krishna is not rebirth, but release from rebirth
Gita 04.10 - Overcome 3 obstructive attitudes for taking shelter of Krishna
Gita 04.11 - Appreciate the profundity of Krishna's reciprocity and universality
Gita 04.12 - Demigod worship is quick fix in the world of religion
Gita 04.13 - Krishna is the non-doer because he is non-discriminating
Gita 04.14 - Knowledge of Krishna's position protects us from karmic subjugation
Gita 04.15 - Follow the successful to be successful
Gita 04.16 - Don't simplistically equate dictionary meaning with scriptural meaning
Gita 04.17 - Action-reaction correlation is incomprehensible, but right action is discernible
Gita 04.18 - Comprehend inaction in action and action in inaction through contextualization
Gita 04.19 - Discern the path of liberation with the vision of the enlightened, not the ignorant
Gita 04.20 - The more we give up material shelters, the more we seek spiritual shelter
Gita 04.21 - Nirasha is not disappointment in fulfilling desire, but detachment from the fever to fulfill desire
Gita 04.22 - See scriptural principle in the light of its social context to find its practicability
Gita 04.23 - Sacrifice is not just an activity, but a mood that pervades all activity
Gita 04.24 - When our vision becomes spiritual, our action and destination also become spiritual
Gita 04.25 - Re-envision both karma-kanda and jnana-kanda as yajna
Gita 04.26 - The mood of sacrifice spiritualizes both the householder and the renounced orders
Gita 04.27 - Ceassation of all sensory and respiratory activity is a yajna
Gita 04.28 - Apply the yajna priniciple to a broad spectrum of religious activities
Gita 04.29 - Infuse pranayama with the imagery of yajna
Gita 04.30 - The knowers of yajna attain purification, satisfaction and liberation
Gita 04.31 - Happiness in this world and the next don't have to be mutually exclusive
Gita 04.32 - Knowing the unity among various yajnas grants liberation
Gita 04.33 - Let action be permeated by knowledge and culminate in knowledge
Gita 04.34 - Learn from guru how to do karma as yajna and attain jnana
Gita 04.35 - Knowledge takes us beyond illusion and reveals connection of everything with Krishna
Gita 04.36 - The subjunctive case underscores the redemptive power of spiritual knowledge
Gita 04.37 - The fire of knowledge reduces karma to ashes
Gita 04.38 - Don't reduce jnana to jnana-yoga
Gita 04.39 - Faith is the pre-condition for knowledge
Gita 04.40 - Don't let doubts deprive you of happiness
Gita 04.41 - Knowledge and faith can be symbiotic
Gita 04.42 - Win the inner war with spiritual knowledge and fight the outer war