Chapter Five

Karma-yoga – Action in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness

Gita 05.01 - Understand meanings of terms from context, not from preconception
Gita 05.02 - The path that takes us away from bondage fastest is the best
Gita 05.03 - Renunciation in action is lasting renunciation
Gita 05.04 - See beyond the diversity of process to the commonality of purpose
Gita 05.05 - Sankhya and yoga aim for the same destination, yet they aren't same
Gita 05.06 - Renunciation without yogic connection is distressing
Gita 05.07 - Inner purity ensures outer action without reaction
Gita 05.08 - Don't take credit for actions done by bodily mechanisms
Gita 05.09 - Contact of senses & sense objects is not the problem - infatuation with the contact is
Gita 05.11 - Change the motivation for action from gratification to purification
Gita 05.10 - Live in the world but be not of the world
Gita 05.12 - Action per se is not binding - attached action is
Gita 05.13 - The bodily city metaphor conveys our difference from our sensory gates
Gita 05.14 - The more we become detached, the more we master the body
Gita 05.15 - The judge is not responsible for the criminal's conviction
Gita 05.16 - Knowledge illumines our inner territory and reveals the indwelling Lord
Gita 05.17 - Spiritualize all the channels of consciousness to gain liberating knowledge
Gita 05.18 - Spiritual realization grants equal vision towards all
Gita 05.19 - Sameness of perception is the situation of liberation
Gita 05.20 - Equanimity is meant to make us not emotionless, but purposeful
Gita 05.21 - Give up outer pleasure and seek inexhaustible inner happiness
Gita 05.22 - The so-called pleasure is the source of trouble
Gita 05.23 - The war against lust is a war of attrition
Gita 05.24 - The inner is the way to the spiritual
Gita 05.25 - Removing impurities empowers us to rip apart the facade of dualities
Gita 05.26 - Success on the spiritual path will come surely and soon
Gita 05.27 - Shut out the sense objects to seek inwards
Gita.05.28 - Controlling the external and the internal brings liberation
Gita 05.29 - Peace comes by devotion to the all-powerful, all-loving Lord