Chapter Eight

Attaining the Supreme

Gita 08.01 - Terms have specific and generic meanings
Gita 08.02 - Death is not the termination of life but its testing ground
Gita 08.03 - Spirituality is our nature
Gita 08.04 - Everything is ultimately a manifesatation of Krishna
Gita 08.05 - Our choice at the junction determines our destination
Gita 08.06 - Our emotional disposition becomes our physical position
Gita 08.07 - Devotion is not about rejecting the outer world but about offering the inner world
Gita 08.14 - What is difficult in one perspective is easy in another perspective
Gita 08.08 - Practice to take consciousness beyond endlessly deceptive material reality to Krishna
Gita 08.09 - Systematic contemplation begins with tangible information
Gita 08.10 - Yoga restrains the negative, bhakti energizes the positive
Gita 08.11 - Liberation in yoga requires renunciation
Gita 08.12 - In yoga, the technical is a necessary preliminary to the transcendental
Gita 08.13 - External recitation and internal recollection propel us to spiritual liberation
Gita 08.15 - Attaining Krishna is the eternally inalienable attainment
Gita 08.16 - The world is like a jail or hospital - returning to it is undesirable
Gita 08.17 - The immortal is not eternal
Gita 08.18 - Matter becomes unmanifest, but material form is destroyed
Gita 08.19 - Recognizing our lack of control over the destructible material imples us to direct our consciousness to the eternal spiritual
Gita 08.20 - The spiritual is not just non-manifest but also nonmaterial
Gita 08.21 - Our longing for home is our longing for the spiritual world
Gita 08.22 - Everything is in Krishna and Krishna is in everything
Gita 08.23 - The Gita unifies diverse Vedic concepts in a devotional framework
Gita 08.24 - Astrological positions and psychological dispositions contribute to the soul's liberation
Gita 08.25 - Yogi's spiritual exit velocity needs to be greater than the world's gravity pull
Gita 08.26 - Disinvest emotion from matter before it crashes
Gita 08.27 - Devotional consistency is more important than chronological accuracy
Gita 08.28 - Yogi gets what other paths offer and gets more too