Chapter Nine

The Most Confidential Knowledge

Gita 09.01 - Krishna's glory can be appreciated by the devoted, not the envious
Gita 09.03 - Bhakti harmonizes the temporary with the eternal
Gita 09.04 - God relates with the world through the impersonal, the immanent and the transcendent
Gita 09.05 - God's self-contradiction points to his inconceivable multi-level manifestations
Gita 09.06 - Krishna limits not our freedom but the scope of our freedom
Gita 09.07 - Repetition of discussion is meant for elevation of vision
Gita 09.08 - We are helpless before material natures inexorable cyclicity
Gita 09.09 - Krishna is concerned but not sentimental
Gita 09.10 - Nature is not causally complete without an ultimate cause
Gita 09.11 - To claim the impersonal to be Krishna's param bhava is contextually and grammatically indefensible
Gita 09.16 - See beyond the technical to the transcendental
Gita 09.27 - Bhakti accommodates seekers at multiple levels
Gita 9.12 - Rejecting real currency as fake leaves one impoverished
Gita 09.13 - Krishna's attractiveness is original and inexhaustible
Gita 09.14 - See devotion not in ecstasy but in dedication
Gita 09.15 - Jnana yajna is not the same as jnana-yoga
Gita 09.17 - Krishna is the sustainer of our sustainers
Gita 09.18 - God is not a remote controller - he is the pervasive sustainer
Gita 09.19 - In Krishna contradictions are transcended and reconciled
Gita 09.20 - Karma-kanda leads to elevation, but not liberation
Gita 09.21 - Blindness to mortality, even if it be in heaven, is still blindness
Gita 09.22 - Seek spiritual security not just in the soul but in Krishna
Gita 09.23 - The Gita's multi-level monotheism is the balance between Abrahamic monotheism and Greco-Roman polytheism
Gita 09.24 - Education about reality is not discrimination against certain features of reality
Gita 09.25 - Different paths lead to different goals
Gita 09.26 - Krishna is hungry for the reciprocation of affection
Gita 09.28 - Bhakti accommodates even those for whom bhakti is an afterthought
Gita 09.29 - Krishna is neither impartial nor partial - he is reciprocal
Gita 09.30 - Krishna never abandons devotees even when they fall
Gita 09.02 - Knowledge that gives the greatest power is the greatest knowledge
Gita 9.31 - For devotees connected with Krishna, the happily ever after is guaranteed
Gita 09.32 - Bhakti brings universality to spirituality
Gita 09.33 - Go beyond incompatible material existence to compatible spiritual existence
Gita 09.34 - Direct your cognition, emotion and action towards Krishna