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Doesn’t Krishna feel bad when we do something wrong – doesn’t that make him unwilling to shelter us?

Anwser Podcast

Transcription :

Duration: 2 min

Transcription by: Sundarinath das

Question: Doesn’t Krishna feel bad when we do something wrong? Doesn’t that make him unwilling to shelter us?

Answer (short):
• When we do something wrong, we should feel bad about it.
• If we give up trying to return to Krishna, we hurt him far more than the misdeeds we may do while trying to return to him.
• Krishna is kind. He is ready to overlook the hurt of feelings and welcome us back.

Answer (long):
Krishna has feelings and when we do something wrong, we should feel bad about it.

In the Biblical tradition, there is a story of the prodigal son. In this story, the son takes his share of his father’s money, goes away from the father, and squanders it. The father naturally feels bad that the son has gone away. However, if the son continues to stay away, the father will feel worse. If the son comes back, even though he did something bad, he is not aggravating the situation further. Similarly, if we have done something wrong, even though we did hurt Krishna’s feelings, Krishna is so kind that he is ready to overlook the hurt and welcome us back. However, if continue to stay away from him then we are hurting him more.

If we try to rationalize Krishna’s love by saying, “I can do whatever I want and still Krishna will keep loving me”, then it is a misunderstanding. If we try our best to overcome our conditionings, Krishna will be far more pleased. In this process, we may sometimes slip and fall. Krishna may feel bad about it but he will also be happy that at least we are trying.

(End of answer)

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