Don’t mistake pseudo-devotion for real devotion

Sometimes the material mind imitates the activities of the spiritual mind and picks its own pocket. An ab­normal heat in the body caused by keeping garlic under the armpit or exposing the body to the scorching sun and the heat caused by fever, though similar in perception, are not the same thing – the former is artificial, empiric and inductive, while the latter is natural, sponta­neous and deductive, the activity of the germ working within, bursts forth in the shape of feverish heat, headache etc. When the spiritual mind sets about his dormant devotional activities and his inherent love of God begins to blossom forth at the touch of the eternal supe­rior ecstatic Energy incarnate as his deliverer, tremor (kampa), tears (asru), stupefaction (stambha), perspiration (sveda), horripilation (pulaka), pallor (vaivarnva), humility (dainya), throbbing (vepathu), exultation (harsha) etc. appear on the body as spiritual changes (satvika vikara).

– Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, Vaishnavism – Real and Apparent

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