Fascinating Mahabharata Characters online course

The “Fascinating Mahabharata Characters” course by Chaitanya Charan das covers systematically the biographies of  sixteen important Mahabharata characters. Drawing insights from the broad Vedic wisdom-tradition, the course explains their qualities, resolves controversies and demonstrates the perennial relevance of this timeless classic.

The characters covered are:

  1. Bhishma
  2. Drona
  3. Vidura
  4. Dhritarashtra
  5. Kunti
  6. Yudhisthira
  7. Bhima
  8. Arjuna
  9. Nakula
  10. Sahadeva
  11. Duryodhana
  12. Karna
  13. Draupadi
  14. Ashwatthama
  15. Ghatothkacha
  16. Abhimanyu

To know more about the course, visit www.bhakticourses.com.


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