Go beyond the sensory and the mental to the spiritual
It is possible for the jivas to realize the form of God, for God Himself has given man the ability to realize Him. By this ability the elevated jivas can realize the form of the Lord. Man has three means of realization: gross material organs of knowledge, the subtle body or the mind’s comprehension power, and the ability of the jiva to perceive spiritual matters.
The eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin are the five organs by which the external world is understood. This is all material knowledge. By contemplation, remembrance, or meditation on objects of material knowledge, only more material knowledge, or at most, a perverted glimpse of spirit, is possible. These two ways of gathering knowledge are material. It is not possible to have realization of the form of the Lord, which is purely spiritual, by these bodily faculties. Unless a person takes shelter of the faculties of the soul, spiritual vision of the Lord is impossible.
Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura