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How can we avoid karmic entanglement while working in our office?

Answer Podcast

Transcription :

Transcribed by: Keshavgopal Das

Question: How can we avoid karmic entanglement while working in our office?

Answer: We should focus more on developing a service attitude. If we become too karma conscious, we will not be able to function in this world. We should rather focus on how best we can serve Krishna in this situation.

It is good to be broadly aware of karma principle but becoming too conscious of karma is not very good (unless it is breaking four regulative principles, then it is a serious issue). Our goal is not to be karma free, but to develop love for Krishna.

If we are filled with love for Krishna, that is only going to take us to Krishna. Even if we become karma free, that is at best going to take us to brahmajyoti. However, if we develop love for Krishna and if there is still some karma remaining, Krishna will take care of that.

The world we live in is a contaminated place. It was always so, but now it is becoming more and more obvious and aggressive. Even in Ayurveda, you will find a series of medicine that involve meat. Meat eating was part of broad Vedic culture. The brahmanas would not eat meat, those who were involved in transcendence would not eat meat, but other sections of society would eat meat. It was not to the scale that it required maintaining slaughterhouses where millions of animals are slaughtered.

We do not have to demonize the present times too much. It is the time we have to live. If it requires breaking of four regulative principles, then we have to take a strong stand. Otherwise, we focus on developing a service attitude. If we are earning money, then charity is an important principle and develop service attitude for Krishna. If we are doing it than other things will be taken care of.

End of transcription.

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