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How can women be said to have their own varna when Prabhupada says that the wife’s varna should be identified by the husband’s varna?

Ambika Dasi shared Do women have the same varna as their husbands on Google+ in response to this question:

Do women have the same varna as their husbands?

Woman reporter: Where do women fit into these four classes?

Prabhupada: That I already explained. Women’s position is subordinate to
man. So if the man is first-class, the woman is first-class. If the man is
second-class, the woman is second-class. If the man is third-class, the
woman is third-class. In this… Because woman is meant for assisting man, so
the woman becomes suitable according to the man, her husband. (July 9, ’75
SP TV Interview)

Quotes that women’s varna is determined before marriage:

“According to the Vedic system, the parents would consider the horoscopes of the boy and girl who were to be married. If according to astrological calculations the boy and girl were compatible in every respect, the match was called yotaka and the marriage would be accepted. Even fifty years ago, this system was current in Hindu society. Regardless of the affluence of the boy or the personal beauty of the girl, without this astrological compatibility the marriage would not take place. A person is born in one of three categories, known as deva-gana, manusya-gana and raksasa-gana. In different parts of the universe there are demigods and demons, and in human society also some people resemble demigods whereas others resemble demons. If according to astrological calculations there was conflict between a godly and a demoniac nature, the marriage would not take place. Similarly, there were calculations of pratiloma and anuloma. The central idea is that if the boy and girl were on an equal level the marriage would be happy, whereas inequality would lead to unhappiness. Because care is no longer taken in marriage, we now find many divorces.”

purport SB 9.18.23
“The phrase “like disposition” is very significant. Formerly, boys and girls of similar dispositions were married; the similar natures of the boy and girl were united in order to make them happy. Not more than twenty-five years ago, and perhaps it is still current, parents in India used to consult the horoscope of the boy and girl to see whether there would be factual union in their psychological conditions. These considerations are very important. Nowadays marriage takes place without such consultation, and therefore, soon after the marriage, there is divorce and separation. Formerly husband and wife used to live together peacefully throughout their whole lives, but nowadays it is a very difficult task.”
purport SB 3.21.15
“Even about forty years ago, in Indian marriages, the taste and character of the boy and girl were first of all matched, and then they were allowed to marry. This was done under the direction of the respective parents. The parents used to astrologically determine the character and tastes of the boy and girl, and when they corresponded, the match was selected: “This girl and this boy are just suitable, and they should be married.” Other considerations were less important. The same system was also advised in the beginning of the creation by Brahma: “Your daughters should be handed over to the rsis according to taste and character.””
purport SB 3.24.15

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