How Maya can refer to both Krishna’s energy in general and to his inferior energy in specifice
Krsna  has  one  great  energy,  which  is  called  maya  in  many  places  in  the scriptures.  Maya  means the  external manifestation of Krsna,  by the  definition “miyate anaya,”  –“that  by  which  things  are  measured”. Krsna  cannot  be  understood  except through the  agency  of maya.   Learned men  divide Krsna’s  energy  into  the  superior, spiritual energy  (cit sakti)  and  inferior  or material energy  (maya  sakti).  Actually the superior energy  is the  inconceivable energy.  The inferior  energy  is its shadow.     That inferior  energy  is the  controller of the  material universe. The  maya  sakti  which  is condemned in spiritual discussions is this inferior  energy,  not the spiritual energy.
Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura