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How the Gita’s ninth chapter reveals its bhakti essence

Lecture Highlights:

9.13-14: Inner disposition and outer action of devotees

Concept of bhakti developed in the Gita: 2.61, 3.30, 4.9, 5.25, 6.14-15, 6.30, 6.47, 7.1, 8.14

Varying initial focuses of concentration in ashtanga-yoga: 5.27 and 6.13

Unvarying eventual and final focuses: 6.14, 6.30, 6.47, 7.1

Four ways Gita’s chp 9 glorifies bhakti:

1. Eternal result: 9.20-22

2. Simplicity of worship: 9.26-28

3. Overcomes incidental faults: 9.30-31

4. Overcomes innate faults: 9.33

9.14 – Empowerment is not the absence of obstacles, but persistence amidst obstacles





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