How the unseen guidance of Krishna wakes us up to real life
The individual souls in the material world engage in different activities
according to their past unfinished desires. After the dissolution of a
particular body, the individual soul forgets everything, but the allmerciful
Lord, who is situated in everyone’s heart as the witness, the
Supersoul, awakens him and reminds him of his past desires, and thus he
begins to act accordingly in his next life. This unseen guidance is
described as fate, and a sensible man can understand that this continues
his material bondage in the three modes of nature.
The unconscious sleeping stage of the living entity just after the
partial or total dissolution of the creation is wrongly accepted as the
final stage of life by some less intelligent philosophers. After the
dissolution of the partial material body, a living entity remains
unconscious for only a few months, and after the total dissolution of the
material creation, he remains unconscious for many millions of years. But
when the creation is again revived, he is awakened to his work by the
Lord. The living entity is eternal, and the wakeful state of his
consciousness, manifested by activities, is his natural condition of
life. He cannot stop acting while awake, and thus he acts according to
his diverse desires. When his desires are trained in the transcendental
service of the Lord, his life becomes perfect, and he is promoted to the
spiritual sky to enjoy eternal awakened life.
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.6.3 purport