Krishna Charitra Series by HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhuji – Part 4 – Lord Krishna in Dwarka
That it is when we are trying to, say, direct ourselves towards Krishna, then it is through both these channels. There is a manner in associated emotions, So while there are many past times which can increase our attraction towards the attraction is one aspect, and that’s wonderful. That’s what we want. But we also need conviction. So conviction is what leads our good team.
Attraction is what leads our emotional side. Now for the emotional side, generally speaking, there is not such a categorical differentiation that where do emotions reside or come from. It is the word, the heart that is used. Now our heart is used in literal sense. It is often that comes blood.
But when in the early violence, nobody says you broke my heart. And therefore, even the capacity for desire comes from the soul. Capacity to experience emotions comes from the soul. Those that consciousness is manifesting through the mind, and therefore, it gets filtered. It gets distorted.
It gets basically affected. So that’s why right now, we can say most of our emotions so we could say that the difference between emotion in principle and emotions what are emotional there in practice. So emotion itself, it comes to the soul. In that sense, you can say it’s spiritual. A specific emotions, it depends.
Are the emotions material? Are the emotions spiritual? So then generally speaking, the difference between spiritual versus material, it is done in 2 broad ways. One is through pandemic, and the other is through other pandemic. That is intent plus consequence.
So what does that mean? That, say, we could say the volume is not it. It is made of form. And this is what chapter 2 of the yoga focuses on. And this is broadly the approach of the data.
But beyond that, as we move forward, especially into up to yoga, the idea is that even matter can be used for spiritual purpose. So, Shubhrant, I would say that this mic, it is now okay. You should speak over Krishna, so it’s very true. So now know what robot doing? Program will get an intake.
Why are we using it? Now to external objects also applies to internal. So we could categorize our emotions in terms of content as well as intent and consequence. Generally speaking, this is where emotion intent is going to focus on So now what this means is that there is there doesn’t have to be such a radical differentiation. Say, if you want one, we continue to do a dual all the time.
Say, for example, if you consider a digital blog project. Now we can say it is nothing like a mother’s block project. Well, if we say that, then you can wonder how do we live with it, isn’t it? Now, the point is that we have is so so if by comparing, say, a parent’s relationship with the child or with Krishna’s parent’s relationship with, say, the relationship with parents with the child, and the result will go 2 weeks It can happen. So for later, the change.
Now things are gonna change when we consider the monomers. We get our past tense because the because lust is such a, you will say, triggerable emotion that that’s why we have an advice to caution. And that’s why they have the emphasis on the pain aspect of your movement. That relationship is completely spiritual. That relationship is based on selflessness.
Now what are spiritual spiritual will mean that that forms are completely transcendental. Model says through giving that that actually, our last will decrease. Way decreased. So what I’m saying is here, material spiritual relationships. When you talk about it, our material relationship or the spiritual relationship.
Now we could focus on the. This is expected to be with the. Now the result of that likely is that our attraction to. Now when we will also the paid aspect so that the in the man who you’re especially so that our attraction to lust doesn’t increase. So this pay of pay is something that goes on constantly.
And now why are we talking about all this right now? The point is that when we hear Krishna’s positives, we need to find out what is connecting me to Krishna and what is disconnecting me or diverting me. And generally speaking, when we hear Krishna data, at that time, finally, it’s a matter of the heart. We invest our heart’s emotions and try to we can be more and we do use reason. We use logic.
But most of the time, say, Krishna’s childhood prospect, especially the past tense that we relish. But analysis that is so so for example, the now the last sentence is. The 2 figures, what are the 2 figures symbolize? That is, like, additional insert. It’s valuable, but it’s additional.
So we could say broadly, we talk about additionally that. Let’s say most of it is for. And when it is for, then we approach it and relate to our heart. I talk about heart and mind as related in the sense that that and we go back over here. See, emotions can come from the mind.
Emotions can come from the soul. Ultimately, all emotions come from the soul. All of the specific emotions may be arising. The power of the capacity for experiencing emotions comes from the soul. All the specific emotion may be arising from the mind.
So it is and sometimes that emotions can disconnect us. And if the emotions are disconnecting us, then then we may have to regulate the emotion and then not let our emotions get engaged too much. So sometimes you just choose not to hear certain past times. So specifically, we do the past times. We may choose a, especially for that type of coming to hear those past times.
So now the this is the the background for all this is that some Krishna needs to be approached through emotion. So that’s what we connect. But some may need analyzing, and there, we need to connect primarily with the head with reason. So why am I discussing this? Because by the way, you could be discussing various past times in continuation of history’s theme of, now processing events that the challenge are paid, we’ll be focusing on the recruiting past and opportunities that we’re not discussed.
And those can be very, under the list question reducing, If not quite, these just like me for one’s playthrough. So I go back to the framework that I introduced in the first session of various ways in which we like to be approached or a lot of. Did you remember the? Yes. And what’s later?
So we look at how and then the stories, and he give us what he thinks. The result of this is generally entertaining. He was ethical. So I think the at the ethical level, we approach ABC titles for this journey. Then there is allegorical.
Allegorical is and what is this? What are these? Now this can this is primarily a user of intellectual illumination. So guidance when I say guidance, guidance for decision making in our life, for acting in our life. And here, we can say we it brings absorption.
It brings ecstasy. So each of these levels has its own result. And at one level, the literal and the, this an emotion can seem similar. Seems similar to the other. They can see nonintellectual.
Why nonintellectual? Because the focus is not so much analyzing. The focus is on the mission. If a movie is going on and the point of the movie, then suddenly the director of your will start explaining, you know, this represent this. This represent this.
You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this.
You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this.
You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act like this. You do not act but they have to be much more sublural.
They have to be much more subtle. So the idea is that, literal and devotional, they can see noninteraction. And many past as I’ve said, we approach at this level, and it’s not difficult. But there are some past times, even with respect to Krishna, when they’re approaching him, we have to evaluate what is and what is. So for some past times, we may need to approach them more through our through our easily than through our emotion.
So with this background, let’s move towards the VARTA prospects. I’ll do a quick overview before we come to the key password that we discussed. When Krishna relocated to VARTA, they came to know how prosperous was or how near the were to push, then they might discover. Generally, civilians would not get that, but it is not absolute nonnegotiables. So then pull over the main and implement.
So Krishna said it to protect your losses also by moving far away from there. So while he was in, he was also traveling constantly going through these places, and he led the mind levels with the. And overall, if we look at it from a objective perspective, not just the motion perspective, so we see that there are certain crowning moves in this translation. If you look at how, like Krishna’s life trajectory? Life story.
So Krishna’s killing comes up. Was like his coming emerging on the big scene. Is, coming out the big picture. Then Krishna is establishing Dwarka. That was also a remarkable move.
And that’s a little bit more the moment was because even a strategy perspective. Was, like, an island within the ocean. As long as you say it was underwater, but the map of the business seems to support that idea. It was an island and was well protected. So he could say that, you know, Raul had captured Nanka from Kubernetes so that he could stay protected.
The water is so they have an equal enclosure to protect oneself. So all headquarters there, and I had a lot of discussion now in one sense took that strategy. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why America is really we consider to be it’s, like, historic. It was a geopolitical expert saying that there’s no country in the world that is as geopolitically blessed as America because surrounded the ocean from both sides and relatively non powerful, neighbors are all everywhere. But the ocean is not very far away from land masses.
So attacks the ground of ocean and above all the China is long land or not entirely. Land or to a large extent. Russia is also land off, to a large extent. Yes. They are also vulnerable.
But to some extent, the weather over there makes things almost unbelievable. Not unlivable. Almost, it’s very difficult to function. One of the reasons to say, Hitler’s he would win long before Victor came up, and he was not completely unprepared. So I don’t want to jeopardize.
But the point I’m making is that while we may take specific incidents today and take out terrible business, So the resilience is from a historical perspective remarkable. Now for Krishna, I need to have protection of work. But, the nature of the world so we could look at it. And I talked to a little cosmetic, establishing what was a significant decision. Then the whole group shaped the wall.
That’s before that. It was in the Rajesh who we elected why he was attracted to his wife. And because his consciousness is a particular way, that’s why he didn’t go to heaven. So then now then this is what can I do to ensure that that is to have? Then he said Google Ads BA.
So that is one purpose for improving the last year. Okay? From an ethical perspective, it’s due to its power. For a neutral perspective, it has to modify. Then the group shape reward in which when Krishna himself does not fight, Krishna establishes his strategic expertise, and he helps the pandas win.
And, yes, there’s truth to that. But the point is that it is not unprecedented. So if you consider 11 Akshay Mohi people supported the cover of us. And then was, to use a contemporary word, was creating his own narrative. That he was doing his own propaganda, and he’s very people over.
Don’t let me think and incident as blatant as attempting the result of growth. How do you spell that? Yeah. It’s it’s just indefensible incident, but it seems good And after the exile is over, the the Virat Kingdom, the actually, the and that and everybody comes over there. So the most of them fought on everything.
They were on the. So it is I think the power of the native building that why the find out isolated the forest, do we even know not just building his military mind? Also creating an entity. And that is where we often lack. That is where the our side of the story is something that you didn’t have to tell.
And you have to tell it why emotion that they all these people are political. So this is a bad thing. They are. Every tradition is is is not true. Every religion is known to play the victim.
In fact, it is just Google and search in Google and Christianity in India. From our perspective, I’m concerned with this most important event. That they need to use the. And we need to be aware of it, and we need to be. So, unfortunately, we don’t do that.
Then it is our risk that this happens. So the pandemic is disconnected from the world. And while we do not have any insight, sometimes when we become devotees, we sort of put ourselves in a self imposed exert. That means we don’t care for the order. In fact, many devotees exhibit their material exhibit their material ignorance as a proof of their translators.
So I I don’t know. I’m sort of handling I don’t even know who’s the primary school. No. That’s not a that’s not a that’s not a healthy that’s not a healthy issue because we have the. So for also, for the alliances, creating diversity groups, so I think our side of the story So it’s very convenient when logic is used, but this has to be challenged and exposed rationally, not emotionally.
So emotions are good for connecting with Krishna. Although sometimes our emotions may also disconnect us from Krishna. And now, let’s say, before this, of course, Krishna’s marriage was a significant incident. The marriage is and that’s how how would we manage so many queens and especially how we save those women who have become more and more powerful. Johan tells us to become more and more powerful.
Johan tells us to And then also, you will then repeat it. But otherwise, to add those input. Now then so so now I I thought about the key background, the tool, ethical, and I’ll let I’ll let you go and devotion. So so many times, we may not realize that there are these different levels. And then we may suddenly jump from one level.
Say, we may and apply. But there’s some we’re not committed. That is true. However, since even though the broadcaster has not been repeated, we need to be able to understand and explain that from a rational perspective, especially if they see a technical question, a logical question, a logical question, a logical question that it needs to be explained wrong. And is also was very pragmatic when he was in Hawaii.
Once of the movie that, when we talk with the scholars, this is not a logical answer. And now the question is, what is robots that go to you over here? So they always have to do this with the scholars. Scholars are not to get. This is where do all of them live?
Where will they call it? Where’s their homes? How are they function? It means that it means, but one thing it means is that we should not speak those things which the audience cannot be reasonably expected to have it. So it is our responsibility, not just the the problem with people and their meetings.
We need to present things in such a way that people can have a reasonable faith improvements. Experience to people. People enjoying the voice over difference provide to the voice over difference, which people don’t understand. In a way that will make sense to you. So in fact, this is what robot call us the realization.
So realization means that this is the message of scripture, and this other audience’s interests. So realization is to present scripture in a way as interesting for all this. So what would be interesting? It’ll depend on IP circumstances. Now it the interest is just one word which is, presented to you.
Generally, we’re gonna connect the audience. We say we should be nice to them. Then you are nice. Niceness, basically, both needs, interests, concerns, and expectations. So nice as I’m just speaking sweet and Sweet and sugar.
It just means that we need to be able to connect with the audience. You do what are the you are the interest. What are the what are the expectations? So with this background, now let’s look at the particular cost time for the consideration. So when an incident happens, like I mentioned earlier, an incident can have multiple causes.
So the the the vendor was living in Interpersonal now, and the are living in work. Now before that, it is said that, to some extent, some of the children of Krishna, they become a little spoiled. They become a little powerful. Now power is perfectly fine. They are powerful.
They are. But they become a little arrogant because of that. It’s possible. But it’s not that they are not virtuous. It’s just that they exhibit their power sometimes, and they mistreat a sage.
Most of you know the story that, they take one of the one of the boys, This guy is, like, a woman who is pregnant and says he’ll say, yes. If he’s tell us, this is gonna be viable. And they just we want to just say, whatever this is, this will be the call of your instruction. Now, generally, when the incident happens, there could be multiple causes recorded. So there’s a proximate cause, proximate, and then there’s a distant cause.
So there is also that after all of the sons are killed, not very close to this. And he says just as I have to live with the destruction of my whole my entire dynasty. You will have to live with the personal destruction. Now Krishna says that I tried my best. You are very poor.
You know yourself how good you was, and he brings the syndrome and he’s proposing. Although, even you try to make him, but still, I accept your first. So we’ll talk about accepting our first. So, basically, these 2 incidents that we have that are the both of the month process at a particular level. So when Krishna realized happening?
When Krishna realized happening, Krishna has multiple purposes to Jamont. So at one level 2, what else Krishna? One is Dharma. The other is. These 2, when they say are similar, but they are not.
And then it goes on to how the emotion, how we have to refer to the nature, the the mind, that will become true. So now it’s interesting the way Krishna explains it that, actually, it’s something like a. See, dharma is universal. In the sense that it is mandatory for everyone. Krishna says, I come to establish dharma.
So dharma, in that sense, is like a law order that has to be established. It’s not a matter of personal choice. Somebody says, I will follow speed to this. I will write the right thing. If you don’t write the right thing, then we will get you out of the road.
We take away license. We put you in jail. So Dharma is not mandatory. That’s why we are the biggest time in Dharmavoy has nothing to do with. Where Dharma can be in this context.
The war was not a war for dharma in the sense of religion. Why is that? Because you see the war, the Kauravas, and the Pandavas. Guru was God Shiva, and that’s why we had Drupadhyay and worship God Shiva and 85 husbands. On the mantel side, then Vish on the caller side, Vishma was a question of her.
Similarly, Oshisha was a question of her. So it was not a battle between, say, remote and non remote. It was not that, oh, it a, the power just became remote. It is not a But in the Abrahamic religions, Abrahamic religion, health is for non believers. In the Vedic tradition, health is for wrong doers.
It is not for long videos. Somebody may disagree with Nishtha, but if they are living in the. If they are living a life of. They are doing pooja. They do good work.
So somebody could be a taste. Well, in terms of blue system, it needs to be a lot of stuff to resist. But in terms of lifestyle, people. But so in that sense, we could say hell is like a person. It’s for solving a lower order model.
So what is the point I’m making over here? And when you go back over here, and Krishna is talking about his purpose. The bigger purpose is to establish dialogue. Now people bigger verticals are dynamically to its background. Then that is true.
So it’s like Krishna is in the spiritual world, and this is the material world. So Krishna only descends as avatar of the spiritual world and the material world. So we would say one purpose is to establish dharma. And then within that, a smaller purpose is to inspire a deep by which a person goes back. Sometimes, Bhakti requires the delete of all that.
That’s what Krishna says. And the movies are examples of that, So sometimes there will be tension with the. Sometimes Krishna, Krishna emphasize that. Sometimes he emphasizes that. So, in the problem, the go b is called go b is first time also.
So the Dharma and Bhakti, they sometimes are attention. And this tension between Dharma and Bhakti comes to its height in the in the past time of the departure of the ghettos from the world. So what happens is that the ghettos, they go to. They do their various activities, but it is see, many times, the the religious activities in the past, you know, like, the religious plus, you could say entity, They will combine together. So for example, when the when the there’s a religious plus social, religious plus entity, all of us together.
It does it has a So the and performed the, release activity that was supposed to perform the the for us. But then there was a social occasion. They started to think. Now the more analytical supers are understood different ways. So the so if you look at the to install the record, the ground because a section of the who follow the.
There are also and those of you who cannot live without me, then please go to, you know, He will take care of me. I won’t be able to take care of it. So give us. So that means how can Rama take me? Or you lose drinking.
This was not an extraordinary exceptional activity. If gambling was a part of. Drinking was a part of. Although, he never and after drinking, dedicate the proxy. So again, I look at this first time from 3 different levels.
From the we look at the immediate, the it was the parasite. The parasite was the fight among brothers or fight among the panel. So now in which she what triggered, They all got drunk, and one of the problems with the drinking among the main problems is that drinking lowers inhibitions, that there are normal inhibitions between strain our behavior. And inhibitions when they are lower, now some people have spend their positive view. And they say, like, in the west, they have the idea that a bar is a very good place to have a heart to heart discussions.
But that’s not only the change that gets lower. What happens is that people can also become violent. People can become regression. And, the many times domestic violence is it’s a very volatile event happens. And it’s it’s much more of a issue than, a So what happens after the so when you say alcohol is good.
Alcohol, what it does is lowers inhibitions. So inhibitions in terms of movements, speech and action. So right now, I’m analyzing the credit incident in the perspective of digit cost. So what happens is that during the crucial reward, the the Duarte Rasis have significant. The Narayan Zena is on the Colorado side.
And along with Narayan Zena, there is Kruthva Varnum. Kruthva Varnum then, and. And says to. And because the the state of grounds was too bad, they just immediately got this voice. And they start fighting together.
And in the Friday, get the other hand just lobs out there or something. And those engines also will happen. And what started out this is a period that people get done, they may just beat something. That generates a lot of disaster. Then eventually, part of the world.
Krishna Krishna So when Krishna passed to the void, then they enter exactly with him. Now the remaining queens, they wanna come with they come with Arjuna, but then Arjuna is attacked. Arjuna is attacked by some. Sky works. So overall, it seems, you know, you know, tragic end to a divide date.
It’s a it’s a terribly tragic input. Not just tragic. It’s a terribly tragic. So at a immediate level, we really see that this is a result of alcohol. That alcohol is so dangerous that especially if there are tensions that are not in result.
Now this there’s several years go on. It’s RTP and that is talking to each other before. I’ll try to make understand what happened. Why didn’t they do something else? Then they could have made sense of it.
But those tensions were unresolved. I’ve got all the it acted like a and then the fuel is already there, and then there you wave our magic and then you wave our magic falling into the fuel and just pause explodes. So alcoholism plus. So we say that this was at one level of cost. At another level, the cause are the causes.
The 2 verses, the curse of the stages that led the specific inter hiding among the another. Now what it’s tried is that they had put the they had put something like a robot in their body, And they took the rod and they broke it into I got smaller particles and then blew it. But then that came back with the ocean, into the post of the tiger. And that that that came apart of the tall or blue, like weeds. This the word is then use grass, but they’re more like weeds like bars.
And then your tools, because they want to be displayed, they’re not really gone with many weapons. Some of them had this wall. They’re not bigger events. So then they just pick up these these bar like wheels and they give it to the wheel. So the curves was the cause at one end.
The last time this curves was also there. Krishna is gone. No. Why would Krishna not intervene? Why would Krishna let this go on?
So see, as I mentioned earlier, Krishna uses long importance at times, and Krishna does not use long words. By not by stopping to but by and this is the incident. Krishna showed Nomimoto at that time, so it’s the next day our feet look. We can head. We turn to Krishna for answers, and that’s important.
You know? Krishna is going on in my life. Please help me. And that’s what prayers. Prayers could be they’re they’re gonna be practical.
We can look for practical answers. We can look for philosophical answers. As important as Krishna answers. That is true. But eventually, he will turn to Krishna as the answer.
Not for answer, but as the answer. It’s just that Krishna can give us desirable things, There’s right and wrong from a moral perspective, but there is right and wrong even from a rational perspective. And that kind of dialogue we need to create is low production. So now when Krishna does this particular task, so like I said, there’s a tension between dharma and company. So the purpose of dharma So these are 2 distinct protocols.
And many times, these 2 can go together or sometimes they do all opposite things. So when this happens, Krishna will discord in the past time in the in the instruction. Actually, Krishna emphasizes that Krishna wants to show that although he is god, now he voluntarily accepts the first. So Krishna is god. So now that eventually through everything that happens, Krishna’s demonstrating of how he protects his devotions, how he protects the off the cross.
And that’s wonderful. Now does that mean that what this Exactly the opposite. That that even a personal that you just of you just discover when he can’t go recording the so much stuff. But then they get drunk. This is what the result.
Then they often say, dear, this is what the result. And how much more careful should we be able to solve this? So in some past times, Krishna focuses on giving lessons about dharma then about not. He emphasizes her ethical principles. And so when dharma and Bhakti have a, then we need to understand what is to be learned from.
So this particular past time is not for devotional inspiration. It is for ethical instruction. So these 2 are very different things, and the purpose of this past time is ethical instruction. Ethical instruction is many things. As I first is don’t get drunk.
Second is that don’t let others all intentions just fester. They’re gonna explore it back time and don’t update the cities. Serve different purposes. I think we’ll ask some point in this point that, the Bhagavath says that if somebody will conclude from this pastime So is that person who went to the award of and came back? That person who survived the many arrows that were hit active when he was Ajna’s charity.
Normally speaking, the charity will protect the the warriors will protect the warriors. But the charity will also fail me. So if you want to use it from a rational perspective, how can I add all the link, cause a fatal injury? Now the thing is that and then I will also not hit by a trained warrior. So now it’s very easy and getting humiliated to focus on our humiliation.
It focuses on that this is a this is a this is a you are working with the most. So Modi will see the response of their emails and the response of Shiva’s. Shiva said, okay. That yeah. You’re glorious.
I know you’re glorious. Why do you have to do this to me? Why do you have to do this? So similarly, when we approach the Azure mobile data Azure mobile data, so it is the ROI takes a moment. Sometimes, the ROI performs certain past times, which are also meant to separate the faithful of the pages, the divine from the demoniac.
So the demoniac will focus on the past time, which seems to challenge Krishna’s omnivores. Krishna’s would be. And then use that and say Krishna cannot. Krishna cannot. So there’ll be demons and there’ll be devotes.
Now demons will stay deluded. And the robot said about the. Sometimes devotees may also get perplexed. But if devotees, they don’t get perplexed, but not discourage or discourage. I devote it.
I’m going to. He’s in the This is for establishing the. It is for each one of us to choose what we focus on. Sometimes, I’m going to respond that. That this choice of evidence, it is something which I do think each one of us has to do.
That if we consider say, let me say how there’s a mechanism by every discount. You know? What happens That’s amazing technology. But then it is will argue if cloud are arranged by God to give it, then why do cloud view rain or oceans? There’s always no water work.
But our principle is that the activity, what we should need to change, what evidence do we focus on. In our own lives, there will be times when we will be built. Everything seems to be going wrong The first thing he said is we tried. We are possible to send work in the rest. That was a good plan.
That is a good very good. It’s a good and we got that. What we did was in the mission. My thoughts shifted from my situation to your situation, bro. I said, Rohit, I am just hearing about these problems.
You were dealing with all these problems. And you never became discouraged. K, is that you were like a commander who was leading an army, and all around you, your soldiers are getting wounded. The generals are getting wounded, and you never stop fighting the war. He said because your vision was fixed on Krishna.
Not on what is happening in the world. You were aware of it, but your your fate was coming from Krishna. And because of that, rather than seeing all so many people have fallen in this war are falling in this war, you will see that you it is Krishna who will send you so many, and you will on Philip, the one day more very close to. He had some problems, and he left the room. So He had some problems and he left the room.
So, and he says, I’ve burned up this news and I’m I think he’s so distressed. And after coming to me, you’re gone away. And I think so. Share the technology on the west. That is just.
That people are taking it up. That is miraculous. That there are some people who are succeeding. That itself is. So we have to choose the evidence, which is evidence that enhances faith and which is the evidence that challenges our extinguishes our data.
So depending on which evidence we focus on, we will be able to grow in monthly or not. So the the the the every the channels are paid, we try to make some sense of it, but we don’t dwell on it too much. We accept it. Let’s see what will happen. Try to come to some sensible explanation, something that makes some sense, and then get more.
So I’ll summarize what we discussed today. So we were discussing primarily about the top we’ve been doing past intervention. We’ve been doing the the faith we’re doing past things. Not just intellectual, not just modeling. So I started by talking about how when Krishna descends to this world.
Krishna’s descent is having dual purposes. It is to establish and it is to inspire. And, Amisha, So they can go together in, say, you wish to the next point. But they can go opposite, which is what happens in the. So then we discussed about the various incidents in Krishna’s past.
The nice story of Krishna with the key incidents. So Krishna’s moving to VARTA was a way of protecting his of using a water as a way to protect the citizens protect the. So now we discussed the that could be understood in terms of immediate cause. The immediate cause was drinking. We discussed the drinking, global in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our in our So Krishna is god, but sometimes Krishna wants to establish the principle of harmony.
He lets himself or his loved ones be affected by. So sometimes, when we propose any idea on that, Krishna focuses on manual for a particular level and his teacher at a particular level. So the ultimate cause is that Krishna provides evidence for everyone. Whatever Krishna, Krishna provide evidence for everyone depending on what they want to do so that the as soon as the moment we are. So Krishna comes in a way that if somebody wants to be deleted, they can also be deleted.
So ultimately, we discussed that faith is a matter of our choices of evidence. So I started by talking about how we talk about Krishna. We have to see somewhere we approach with the head, and they are for analyzing. There’s nothing to release in those past tense, But analyzing so that we make some sense of some approach to the heart, where they are for. And we need to know which is.
So approaching the past tense, they see, the past tense of Krishna protecting the the working is protecting the and ensuring that, that is the past time. That is the past time that That is the first time which you can put it at half. Rather, the first time you need to approach it ahead, and then we find out ultimately which is the you will look for a. So we try to make sense. So we try to make some sense of past times, but I will focus focus on our devotion enhancing past times.
So emotion enhancing means how many of you felt that was opening door and windows and, I don’t know, whatnot in our brains? But it’s taking us through the You find it. Wait. Go there. It’s okay, sir.
Then one more. It’s taking this one case. But what? I mean, one way you can see do I need to get this? They give us a smooth landing.
Right? And, actually, maybe probably, he was actually not gonna discuss this as part of our career. But it was me who are told you that told you, please, can you cover this, you know, this Prabhavak ship, the real line, the whole thing because, well, trying to become a devotee, but then, there is always this gray area. It’s so difficult to explain anybody when they challenge us. Already, I’m studying with my faith, and somebody puts a brahmastra on that faith, you know, and, like, correct.
So now I know how to answer Luis. It’s probably just answered now or later. Why did he even give Narayan Senna? You know, like, when he when he goes that Riodar is gonna use it for a dharma and Narayan Senna belongs to him, I would even do that. You know?
Like, it’s so difficult to and what did he please that now I just said, before he set them for the work? That I’m standing on opposite side. Don’t mind including me. And, similarly, many more questions. They they keep popping up, but your conclusion there too was so important that what is the evidence that we’re looking at ultimately.
Will that question lead us to devotion, or will that question lead us to more doubts? Or there is no end to understanding what Krishna did, what he did. But one thing is mister Copeland told us many times that Krishna is waiting to see him back home back to Garett. So that that that is the primary thing, you know, that drives when we go through difficulties also that Krishna will take us back into the machine. You know?
So Krishna is waiting. So, do anything. So then I think, I did try to make. It is an obligate past time. I can analyze and.
So regarding this specific question, see, what would she have to use? Fighting is they said to to. Fighting was very difficult. Fighting what champions do. So now ideally, we should also have that.
They’re gonna So they were quite. Thank you for the wonderful value. Two levels of then when it comes to figures, there’s big numbers. There are 2 ways of looking at it. One is that it is void.
And in that in the also it is correct that, that said that the okay poets have glorified And it is quite possible that such quality can be used. And we see that it’s often there. So when you said that, We can perceive his presence when the movies come to their employ. So non literal usage is very common in scripture because much of scripture is. Literal.
So there’s lots of. So is that we had 100 of 1,000 of us. So we are getting 100 and 1,000 of us. So which are we do, both are considered to be true. And in both, we cannot figure out a way in which both ends have been.
That is when we say the change. It’s not just that, okay. So So so the thing is that it could be that it could be that it could have had some stick powers and you could expand it. So so you would see one is poetic, the other is. That’s one speech.
If you had the stick powers, you can just use the stick powers, we get a check. So he didn’t do that. So the point of the story is what? That he he was so well, this thing he could try to check. So the the the point of the story is not affected by the specific number of bytes in that.
Isn’t it? So if somebody could take it as, he had some mystical power, somebody could say it any other point at the at the point. And both are. This could be poetic through mystical. So how hell leads to purification?
Because and then it’s a purification. So hell and the punishment that we go through in hell, that creates some conscious impressions, which which deter us from. One more thing. Like, when we talk about taking shelter of Krishna, so it it is said that Krishna guarantees to protect it spiritually, but not materially. So when we read this Shirdasamy past time, so it may also happen in some other case that that for that child, some parents would not have come.
So how we conclude from that past time that Krishna always protects his daughter, you know, like this? So the past time that a child was protected by the Lord, the child denounced the modem or whatever. So now our strengths are demonstrative issues. They are specific demonstrative. That doesn’t mean those are patterns that will be universal.
It it certainly does not mean that all manage you know, just abandon their children and. No. So I have a one friend. He said, like, I’m never. Yeah.
It’s awesome. Some he said, maybe how we want maybe how much trouble you have to take care of the databases. There are there is a non particular gene, and there should be non particular gene. But there are times when the normal particulars may not be there. So at that, at that time, Krishna then.
Like, we should our faith in Krishna will increase so that there is very important. Why there are extraordinary incidences? Generally speaking, extraordinary incidents of any kind. But, anyway, he says, generally speaking, no one person’s life is interesting enough to make that in one character. So one character is a composite of many people.
So the point I think is that, generally speaking, just a a booking incident is not stable. You know, if we record everything that we did one day, and then the next day, I just sit and watch everything today. So the extraordinary results. Now the purpose of this is not to normalize the extraordinary. So as as it is not that after hearing the past time of, Ajani can deliver, then regular devotion service.
How surely they’re already delivered, isn’t it? So it is not to normalize the extraordinary. It is to emphasize the ordinary. That so what is the order you’re gonna hear? That the order I’m not in the order.
It’s the standard. We don’t have our standard expectations. That’s why the inputs on the past time, which should have removed around us. We’ll go on and take a long time. So we do not take one past time and make a absolute lesson in that past time.
So generally, whenever we are getting scripture, so there are we can absoluteize every past time, and that’s not healthy. We get relativeize every past time. And that is all of us do at that time is not true now. But what we both of them are, what we use context utilize. Context.
So contextualize means what? We look at the point, and we look at the point of the point. What is it that’s in the loop view that? So that is about. He is not studying to get a PhD in.
His interest is Krishna. Now there are 2 ways of becoming Krishna. 1 is to bring Krishna into our consciousness. And this is what normally we hear about Krishna channel. But other is bring what is in our consciousness to Krishna.
Bring what is called in our consciousness to Krishna. So for example, we may have learned some stories, the moral story in my childhood. So questions are used very well. Questions have a whole genre of creatures whose main pitching is through movies. So movies are already in people’s minds.
So what are the, you know, actually, that can be drawn from movies? This. So the idea is that particular section of the is in the second world. Cosmograph, and he wants to connect that cosmography with Krishna. How do I see this devotion?
So that is the purpose. What is this? Not just to know. But no, actually, So now in today’s world, for us, that cosmology is itself very. I guess in general.
The focus is more on the spiritual principles of the rather than the specific dimensions that we don’t talk about in this dimension, but it is not as focus. So we have to be clear that that was one way. That was a relevant tech actor. But it may not be relevant now. Say, for example, somebody is a video in.
And So in that sense, that’s where your cosmology is not. It is. It is something important. It’s already been that will enhance that. Now beyond that, still, you can say, I wanna make some sense of what it is.
So there are multiple ways in which, the movies are trying to make sense of it. See, we cannot really take much help from these large ideas. Because these are changes who commented on this, they are not they were not interacting with. So there are not, communities. But they were the word science and not really the scientific and the world and not at that time so much.
So the 3 ways that I’ve seen, one is these are higher. That is. So that means that this is something happening at another level of here. That’s what we’re talking about. Now the third is second is that is a conceptual journey.
Conceptual journey means that when our conscious was the words, like, a other countries. So the point is not exactly what is there to get. The point is that we don’t need to follow our conceptions till we reach Krishna. So it’s a conceptual So it’s a conceptual. Now when probably not talk about this so much.
He has talked about this project. And, there is some reason to do that in, tradition also So, it is set up. Now 7 days are almost over. How much time was there? The third way of looking at it is that it is a historical condition.
That means now this is not something which I have seen, our tradition talk about, but there are other rational relations and their teachers will see that. This was how how people thought that. So it is possible that now also says that specific scan is this time. That, for example, in the first kind of our code, Krishna is a journey from, and try to put the response, that’s very possible. But that is the type that I’m really focused on.
So how to understand these things that is some intellectual. So I would be very hesitant to do that in historical conception, but the other 2 is a conceptual journey and that it is a higher dimensions. So higher dimensions are really possible. I have not seen that being used for the earth. I’ve seen it being used for the company, talked about it in for the channel because, see, the one is described is for I do have to hit the the moment just like a bandwidth, and that is true to some extent.
That’s what I experience is. But our experience is limited. So existence is material. Right? We have a computer.
Then So And making cosmography is a book written by. It’s doctor Charles Thompson that I found in the best book as well as for giving Is it necessary to make sense of everything? Well, what is this concerning depends on what is a priority for us. Okay. It’s fine.
So now with respect to there is postmodern destinations. And there are higher domains. Heaven is the higher domain, and the spiritual void is the highest domain. So basically, takes us to the spiritual domain. Takes us to the.
So now the focus is on So from perspective, they were describing that the market was reduced. And then they saw it, those are also in heaven. So the idea is, first of all, heaven is non permanent. So heaven is a reward for certain actions, but it’s a non permanent reward. So through your head, hide, fought in the war, and died a honorable.
And all of it, although he tried to hide eventually fought. So it is that time when the warrior, the soldier without lynching or running away, fights to. So how are the APIs looking? So we may have to identify the idea of APIs who are who are this thing. And you all have to.
And then I feel like. So I actually see the rest of what I see that They have so much bought into their faith that they’re using the. Most of the types, ATS, either they have psychological. There we know in some way, I’ll just speak to somebody, So the true sense means that there are places in the in the structure of the universe. We have the earth is in the middle, and above us is heaven, and below us is hell.
So they are places where we go, but they are not just physical places. These are also states of mind. So states of mind means that someone who is whose whose mind is filled with that and everyone’s desire, something, or rendered by their own addictive So this was a unbelievable feeling, bro. First time, the tower, first time, you know, Marika, Matura, Prutjita. And, we only felt that as he was speaking and stopping, there’s so much more, so much more, so much more.