Audio Icon | Chaitanya Charitamrita | QA Audio : 2022 | Vedic Wisdom Krishna himself has expended as Radharani, then why does he have to come as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to understand Radharani? ByChaitanya Charan October 22, 2022September 19, 2024 Podcast: Chaitanya Charan ยท KrishnahimselfHasExpendedAsRadharani, thenwhydoeshecameasChaitanyaMahaprabhutounderstandRadharani Similar Posts:Gaura Purnima lecture - Lord Chaitanya manifested…Understanding Rasa-lila 4 - Radharani's apparent…The bhakti journey 6 - Durga puja youth camp Newtown KolkataEmotional Exchanges between Krishna and Arjuna in the Gita