Krishna is most suitable form of God for developing pure love
Of all  the  conceptions of God  existing  in  the  world, the  form  of Krsna  is the  most suitable for developing  pure  love.  The conception of Allah in the Koran  is not suitable for developing pure  love.  Even the Lord’s  dear  prophet could  not see Allah’s  form, for though the  Lord  is friendly, He remains at a distance from  the  worshipper due  to the conception of God as master.  The god in the Christian faith is also some  distant  entity, what  to speak  of the  impersonal Brahman. Even Narayana is not the form by which  the soul  can  easily  obtain  pure  love.  Krsna  alone,  who  resides in  the  spiritual abode  of Vraja, is the object of pure  love.
Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura