Krishna’s unique mercy on the Vrajavasis
Though elsewhere he is worshipped and  revered by all as the  Supreme Lord, here [in Vraja], as the life of all the inhabitants, he sometime descends to the worshipper’s level and  sometimes becomes  his subordinate. If  it were  not like this, could  the  lowly  living  entity  have  a relation of  love with  God?  Can  the  Lord,  who  is filled with  the highest sport,  endowed with  free will, and  eager  for  the love of the soul, hanker for  man’s  offering  of worship or  feel genuinely satisfied with  it?    Krsna,  the reservoir of sweet  pastimes,  thus  covers  his  majestic  aspect  with  sweetness, accepts equality with or  subordination to qualified souls in transcendental Vrndavana, and feels bliss.
Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura