Mandodari s lament after Ravana s death 1 – Are some people incorrigible?
Hey, Krishna. Hi. It’s a big thrill to be here amongst all of you today. And recently, I was So it was a specific movie trailer. And then I saw the trailer, and I said that after that trailer, my clap off me with 90 climax.
So after Adi Shankh, something which is just there with us? It can’t be changed? Or is it changeable? And, in this section, I’m going to talk about and today I’m in scientific, wearing clothes to the person who was, extremely thin. So now but she stayed by him and on the words that she speaks, it reveals what she thinks about him is living with someone and you know that person is in you.
And then hope springs eternal into an art. We hope that that person will change And we keep trying. So Manodari kept trying it and ultimately, when Rama had skill, could say her machine is unsuccessful. But at that time, how does she see this? So this was it was you did not understand the power of Sita.
And, see, this is the you are fortunate. You are greatly fortunate, but you didn’t understand the power of Sita. Has become a destination for the animals to eat and your soul is going to go to them. So in one sense, it’s a very distressed and gloomy over now. Now everything is lost.
Whatever she had lived for, it’s gone. But even in these verses, her wisdom comes out. And what was it that drove her on? Three sons through her. So Indrajeet, Athikara, and then there is I just Akshay.
Now Akshay is killed by Anima. He also knows that because of the curse, I cannot, force the virus. Of course, Sita doesn’t know that. And he basically adopts And then finally, Sita says that I will not even save these files because I met my husband with Ram, and as long as Ram is exactly seeing the forest, I’ll also see the forest. So she also she stays in the forest.
And at that time also sees that, you know, unless you unless she gives a consent to. So take a strong stand over there. So there are times when we have 2 options. And the first option is bad and the other option is worse. So there there the good and bad option is easy to choose, really easily.
But the only option that is bad is a worse option. And what do you do at that time? So Mandudari, she keeps trying to at least minimize. And she gives advice, but he never listens to it. So basically, this is the background.
And here what she said in this verse is was his. Now you’re doing this. So we can say that Ravan made the just desserts of his actions. But could he have chosen differently? In the Sunday class, I think about how, you know, Ravan had 10 different people gave him advice.
So he had 10 heads, and each of those 10 advisers he rejected, then he lost 1 by 1 all the heads. You know, the fire of your lust for Sita has now burned everyone. He says it has now burned your own son, so I can live no more. In the fire that will cremate my son, let it be balanced. Is how many more people with you, burn in this fire of yours?
Just give her up. It never happens. So if now when somebody is so obstinate, they’re not able to not change they’re not able to change at all. And you may say that some people are just So broadly speaking, if we see there are 2 broad theories of human nature. Because they remain, but we talk too broad.
So there is the Judeo Christian And everybody is remaining sin. Now this theory is opposed by communism. Communism is a whole body of thought. Socialism is there. But the whole they say that actually people are immediately good.
It is society that makes them bad. And their solution is, so the Christian solution is that it’s only god’s grace which can save us from our innate simple words. Whereas the, the communist theory is that it is what we need is social engineering. The evidence, if somebody is behaving badly, it’s because society treated them out. And change the social conditions, give them better conditions and then they will start living.
So now if we ask the general cross section of people, adults, surveying companies and colleges, No. No? Okay. Are some people immediately bad? Is it with all those nobody says are people immediately bad?
Nobody says let’s do that. But as soon as you say are some people mentally bad, how some people make you mad. Almost everybody will raise a bat. There’s some people getting mad. And you can think about psychopaths, you can think about sociopaths, you can think about terrorists.
Now the people were horrible. So I was that one person who a Jew who was the committed voting. So he was telling me that his grandfather, he was a part of the he was a part of all those people who were killed in when in Nazi Germany, he had Hitler Hitler was had the background, killed everyone. Jewish. But he had them harmed not normally the rope.
He hung them with, like, plastic bags. And what happened with plastic plastic the rope was wet. It kept cutting their neck for 11 days. So they have hung for 11 days in mortal pain. And so the you could say to produce suffering simply for the purpose of producing suffering.
So basically, when we see the way most of us, we live in a very sheltered world. So, of course, the world is not a place of shelter in the sense that everybody gets struggle. But to have somebody target us, that just target us for no reason except the cause of ignorance. That can actually shake your shake one’s feet in the very, very nature being that means, why do I exist? Why do women exist?
But even a little encounter with real life will expose us to people who are actually many tabular I do. We can’t we can’t make sense of what is happening with it. So basically, so these two theories are there. That the Christian theory that people are immediately bad. Anybody is a part of god.
In the sense, they’re not not really part of god. That’s how we are seeing it. They’re very bad. Everybody’s very damaged in god. But still, although we have made the image, but we are covered over by this.
But the problem with the communist worldview is that where it says that there is nothing innate about people. It is situations that make them aware. Then you’ll see that 2 people may go to the same situations, but they may respond entirely differently. 2 people may be born in poverty, they may be born in they may go through abuse. And still now one grows up to grows up to become a very bitter and hateful person, and the other grows up and grows beyond that chip, beyond what they’re told.
So neither theory is actually all, is supported by evidence. That inside us is the soul and that’s the body. So there’s the mind. And beyond that is the body. So when we talk about inside others, there is immediateness.
So what are we referring to by the need? So at the level of the soul, because every soul is a part of God. Because every soul is a part of God, so we can say we all have an innate potential for I’ll explain why this word potential. But then beyond that, there’s another level of lateness like the mind. And the mind carries impressions from the past.
And because of these impressions from the past, they also affect how we behave. And if those impressions from the past are bad, The 16th chapter that Krishna decide the divine and demoniac nature. Where now the what analysis is profoundly contemporary and profoundly scary For example, that that is boy. So this is the name, the those who are born with demoniac nature have these qualities. Arrogance, ignorance, ignorance, anger, whatever.
And like that is the best of it, the divine qualities. So now, you know, what does this mean? If it if you’re born with it, then it become innate, isn’t it? Then is it changing? So, of course, if it were if we were just programmed machines, then we couldn’t cheat, then Krishna’s instructions That some people from their past bring impressions which will make them even.
And some people may have impressions which make them good. So I have to listen to words over here. See, we all have a potential for good, but we also have a propensity for evil. And the potential for good has to struggle against the propensity for evil, and only then become manifest. So it’s so by default, is it that people people are good at it, act in good ways?
Maybe. Most likely not. Most likely not. Because bad things happen to everyone. Now we may be good people, but a bad thing sample, it’ll take you start feeling bad thing and return to those people.
And the dark side in us comes out. So there is a potential for goodness within us, but there’s also a propensity for bliss. And the essential human struggle is for the potential for goodness to manifest in spite of the propensity for voice. And do we extend it take on this struggle to that extent the confidence will manifest? But e a somebody doesn’t take up this struggle.
Raghavan’s Mahabharata, and how he is able to, how he does how he face the good watch. But essentially so we all immediately even? Yes. In the sense that some people may have very immediate negative consciousness. It may be lust.
It may be anger. It may be dream. It may envy. Whatever it is. And that you might need them behave in terrible ways.
So we cannot deny the set of past impressions, but we can also see beyond those past impressions. So the the way we reconcile the two inside, actually, like I said, the problem with the Christian worldview that if people are immediately evil, then why have some people good? Well, some people are good because the impressions within them may not be bad. And when we struggle and succeed, that’s how we fulfill the purpose of human life. So how does struggle can be done successfully?
I’ll talk about it in the Sunday slides. As long as you know, you can have few questions. I spoke on this topic of, are people in eating good or in eating bad? I started by talking to how she had a close view. That’s the her view of ramams.
Choice. She was already there in that situation. So she kept minimizing the especially egregious choices that That at the level of the soul, everybody has a potential for goodness. But at the level of the mind, everybody has different impressions and you have a propensity for once. And essential human struggle is for the potential for goodness to struggle beyond and rise beyond the propensity for wise.
So when we learn to do that, then we can confirm about this for human life. Any questions or comments? Yes. Thank you, sir. Thank you for, missing that.
My question relates to, you know, when we deal with people mostly in that circle, So how do you see such people? That’s my first part of the question. The second part is the same as the difference. We also, at least, have also sometimes, you know, closely seen and some colleagues or people who have been dealing very closely for many, many years So what that means is that when we take scripture, now scripture helps us to make sense of the world. But then, the world is very complicated.
Scriptures also. We just take one point from scripture and impose it on all of the world. And it doesn’t work like that. So let’s get the basics. Right?
Actions have consequences. So if somebody is doing something wrong right now, it is going to have some results. But if somebody is presently manifesting some virtues mhmm. Now one of the I was in America and there’s one, Canadian intellectual who’s taken the world by storm currently. He’s he’s he’s quite conservative.
He accepts the existence of actually, accepts the existence of god and draws from biblical teachings. But his diet is only wheat. So but he’s actually bringing a lot of people to Satwa and bringing people a lot of look, towards spirituality. So now, obviously, the particular diet he’s having, we wouldn’t recommend that. Forget my It could be that somebody was what were was what in the garden and someone was putting over.
There could be other possible. Unless you can say that a is the only cause of it. Cannot say that just when b is present, he has to be. So a will lead to b. So, basically, causal connections are subtle.
It’s not just a to b. So, if b then b. That it doesn’t work like this. So what the point I’m making is here that if some people are behaving a particular way right now, that is that is it have an effect on their consciousness. But it may not necessarily have an immediate effect.
Because, say, as you’re writing, said that if somebody has been living in maybe in the past, we will. Or maybe this life, we’re living life in, but that particular activity is very much in. So there are certain behaviors which affect us, but how much what will affect will depend on the overall way a person’s think. So we, so we don’t minimize or deny the consequences of certain wrong actions. But, essentially, the point is that there’s a Brahmin with the crowd of this dramatical prowess.
And then he some bird angers him and just goes he just to learn the bird, the bird dies. And then he try and, he goes to a house for backgrounds and the, lady doesn’t give arms in to and she says, you know, I’m not a good girl. He says, oh, why? But we have used philosophy as a tool for understanding reality. And reality is complex, philosophy is also complex.
And how all the 2 work together? It is it is not easy to understand that. And that is actually I would say that’s a, in English, there is a word ideological hobby horse. That means give some oversimplified explanation for some action. But reality is complex.
And that doesn’t mean philosophy can’t explain our our philosophy can’t explain particular reality, but So he had human so basically, I said, we have become a natural skill that that orientation towards spirituality will not be lost. So there are both laws that apply. So sometimes multiple factors may be working and we cannot, we cannot reduce reality to a over simplified model where based on one parameter we judge everything. So they will continue. That means it’s manifest.
So if that is happening, we have to keep a distance from them. So sometimes the devotees, they But that evil that evil is not yet complete because that’s a very important thing. But and now there’s no exceptional piece. Where if some devotees start thinking that what they are looking is right, it is not that the argument stops. Rather, discussion stops, bloodshed happens.
So if if there there will be differences, like I said, there will be differences.